bf scenarios | how you first met | PT. ONE

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AN: Your gift doesn't really matter much in these, but I just included them for fun. If you dislike the gift I've given in each of the scenarios then its okay, you can change it to whatever. They're not mentioned much, but some of them are important to the story.

Also I'm so sorry for this delay!! I'm a University Student(UK) in a few months time so I've been so busy with preparations, and I thought I had this first chapter completed loooool I have everyone else BUT this one which was frustrating. I hope it was worth the wait.



Atsushi Nakajima
(Y/n) Ability:"A spark of hope"
The ability to control electricity and electrical impulses in other people.


It was a hot day for May, even Dazai had ditched his signature trench coat. So when Atsushi and Dazai had finished an investigation mission for Ranpo, they were ready to go home.

"All collected, Atsushi- Kun. Ranpo will be needing this immediately." Dazai said as he shut the door to the library. There had been a recent murder in the small book store which Ranpo was investigating, and because he was busy with another case he asked the two to collect the information for him. It was a mystery to everyone, except Ranpo, as to why there would be a brutal murder in Yokohamas smallest library.

"Finally!" The teenager chimed. Atsushi was ready to go back to the ADA and shove his head into the air con or shut himself in the freezer for the rest of the day since the pair left this morning.

"Even though the sun is harsh, we still need to pick up the parcel from the police station for Kunikida. Then we can go home." Dazai replied with a smirk.

"Agh! I forgot about that..." Atsushi sighed. The poor were-tiger was ready to collapse- but he would have to wait a little longer until he could.

"I wonder why it's so hot today... Perhaps if I stayed out all day I die by the sunlight?" Dazai chimed, walking of down the street to their next destination.

"It sure feels like it." Atsushi said, trudging along to follow the suicidal man. The two thought that their pain in the heat was unbearable, however yours was worst.

You had kept your eye fixed on Atsushi for an hour, following him around silently as the day went past. There was something about that silver hair boy that kept bringing you closer to him. Maybe it was because you thought you recognised him. Maybe it was because you thought he was strangely handsome.

But you knew really it was because his wallet was in perfect reach.

You sighed as you watched the pair walk away, your throat dry and head throbbing. You needed water, and quickly. You have had no success for the past two days, and with the baking heat you knew you wouldn't last much longer. You would have brought some if you had any money... however you were kicked out of the orphanage the morning you turned 18 with nothing but the clothes you wore. You had roamed the streets since then, using your Gift to gather what you needed as much as you could. Now, you were in desperate need for water. Your plan was to swipe the boys wallet when he wasn't looking, by yourself water with the money he had, then return it by saying he had dropped it.

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