bf scenarios | how you first met |PT. TWO

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*aspen, crawling out of a dark hole*

"t-the bitch is alive...."

That's right y'all I'm alive. Okay, we neeed to catch up because I'm now a UNI student (in Cambridge!! Not THEE Cambridge because bitch can't do math but in camb) and holy shit has it been awful for me.

I have JUST finished moving accommodation rooms for the third time. It took me three days to move the second because covid says no one is aloud to help me. Met some really nice Chinese girls tho. However, I'm in a super nice place now and happy. I wrote a lot of this ages ago n didn't get time to publish the last part
But here we are.

I'm sorry y'all I'm gonna update on my status on wattpad so you can see me still being alive it's been rough I got into s**f h***ing again okay I promised I wouldn't do that but heyo.


Aspynie out~

also love y'all xoxo



Kunikida Doppo

(Y/n) Ability- "The Wandering Words"

Telekinesis: She can move stuff about with her mind.


"Hey, did you hear what Kenji told me? That the President has a niece?"

"A niece? So, that man actually does have a family?"

"I haven't heard about her! He has a niece? So, he must have a brother or a sister..."

Kunikida hadn't heard about the news either.

Tanizaki burst through the door, a coffee cup in his hand with a beaming face, expressing what Kenji had just told him. The President had a family life outside of work? It was hard to believe, but nothing was impossible. He had learnt that the minuet he was recruited in the ADA.

"Yeah! I actually saw her, too!" Kenji smiled, running into the room behind Tanizaki. Kunikida sighed, he hoped he would have had a peaceful morning to keep up with his work, but it seemed he wouldn't get what he needed. However, everything else was just the same. He had his coffee cup, his neat stack of paper, his laptop freshly cleaned and his beloved personal notebook beside him- just how he had been working for the past few years. There was nothing particularly interesting that morning and Kunikida believed it would be an easy day, until Tanizaki and Kenji gossiped about the girl called (Y/n) (L/n).

"That's her name! (Y/n) (L/n)," Kenji exclaimed," The president told me himself when we ran into her yesterday."

"Oh, what was she like?" The curious doctor Yosano questioned, a peculiar smile on her lips at her desk.

"Well, she was-"

Kunikida had no interest in intruding the personal life of the man he respected most. Instead, he typed away at his laptop, avoiding the talk. Although deep down Kunikida was suprised- the President had kept his personal life very secret. The only thing he had revealed was the history behind his rivalry with the Mafia boss, and that had caused outage between the two opposing organisations.

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