bf scenarios | he knows he likes you

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"H-Hey there, (Y/n)!"

Atsushi would fall for you quiet hard and it was obvious to everyone- he would stutter when he was talking to you or about you.

The tiger would blush deep like a beetroot whenever you came over to him and say hi or whenever he was thinking about you. Dazai would have to snap Atsushi out of his daydream about you many times to get him back to work. Atsushi would think about the time you gave him a warm smile or when you two accidentally brushed hands. He would feel the butterflies in his chest and just know how he felt about you!

The President also noticed how Atsushi wanted to go on missions with you, and he'd be very persistent. It eventually got to a point Atsushi wouldn't even hide his feelings anymore since everyone knew so quickly!


"Dazai-San... are you okay?"

Dazai would be quiet around you.

Yep. Quiet.

This maniac would freeze whenever he tried to hold a conversation with you. Everyone would think it's weird for Dazai to go so quiet, especially you, and you would ask him if he was okay. Everyone would ask him why he wasn't talking to you as often- you had started to ask the others at the office if you had done something to him by accident. 

Dazai knew that you weren't like the other women he had tried to bribe into a double suicide. There was something different about you, something that made him look further, something that he wanted to find out and grow to admire. Dazai wouldn't want to falter around you and just wanted to watch you, so he would stay quiet.

But he really knew he was crushing when you asked him to stop being suicidal. You were deeply concerned, unlike his co-workers who shrugged of his failure of attempts. Dazai stopped thinking about suicides with beautiful women and thought about you instead. It had been over a month of no suicides attempts until Dazai realised why he hadn't attempted his next sweet release of life.

Because he liked you. And he listened to you. And he didn't want to worry you.


"Kunikida-San, you're gonna be late!"

Kunikida wouldn't realise his deep feelings at first. It would take him a few weeks to decipher what was making him so distracted.

He suddenly paid more attention to his appearance each day and kept fidgeting at his desks. His mind would easily wander, especially to you, and he would be late for errands because of how sidetracked he became. It would frustrate him how he was slacking, but once you helped him hurry out the door he would feel so ecstatic. He would forget about his troubles whenever you were near.

If he didn't receive the help of his co-worker, Dazai, it would have taken longer for him to notice his feelings towards you.
"Hey Kunikida-San, I think you like our (Y/n)-San~!"

"What? Don't be so ridiculous, Dazai." He would retort, trying to hide himself behind his computer screen.

"At least I'm not as ridiculous as your blushing face whenever you see her!" Dazai persisted.

"I-I'm not asking her out. She doesn't cover all of my expectations for an ideal woman anyway."

"Ohhh," Dazai chimed," You've already checked? How many boxes does she not meet?"

Kunikida stiffened,"Only... two."

"Only two?! I'm sure they're tiny things that you probably wouldn't even care about! Just ask her out already~!"

Afterwards, Kunikida realised how pathetic those two meaningless things were. He completely forgot about them, replacing his thoughts about daring to ask you out.


"How did you...?"

Ranpo would be very, very, very interested in you. Instead of you questioning Ranpo with his talents, it was his turn to be the curious one.

You started to surprise him, breaking all of the detectives predictions and keeping him on edge every second- and it was hard to surprise the best detective in Yokohama. You were like a wild story filled with endless possibilities that kept Ranpo attached to you as the days went past. He was eager to hear the place you had been to, the memories of your childhood, how you learnt to become a detective.However instead of guessing your entire existence, he wanted to hear it from you yourself. He liked the chime in your voice whenever you spoke about your fondest memories. It have gave him butterflies seeing you smile to brightly.

Ranpo had never experienced someone like you, and he wanted to dive deeper into the mystery of (y/n) (l/n) that he so deeply enjoyed.


"Shut up! I don't like her god damn it, why would I like her?"

Chuuya would deny any feeling towards you... for a while. Chuuya would stand his ground, trying to persuade himself that he wasn't addicted to your voice, or was daydreaming about your lips, or was counting the times he ran into you that day. He would get angry whenever someone teased him about his low-key crush on you. He told himself to avoid you, to stay away from you...

But of course, he completely forgot about it when you were in his sight.

He would walk straight up to you, a smirk on his face, desperate to talk to you. Chuuya would always offer you a glass of wine and joke about other members of the Mafia with you. He would try his hardest to accidentally brush your fingers together, or capture your scent. Chuuya knew really, that you made him forget about the troubles of the world.

Chuuya first knew he liked you when he started to agree.

"Hey, Chuuya, hows (Y/n)? Still not together yet?" Tachihara snickered.

"(Y/n) wonderful as always. Now shut up."

He soon realised how stupid it was for him to be ignoring his feelings- he wanted you.

And he would do anything to get you.


"I know you're here, Akutgawa."

Akutagawa is the silent stalker. He would always keep an eye on you and watch your movements, study your smiles and listen to your laughter. He would do it unknowingly for weeks whenever you were around. Whenever you would catch him doing it, he would turn his head slowly and make it seem it was nothing. He thought you were completely unaware of his actions, but you had noticed. You suspected something, although you didn't press Akutagawa further.

If you weren't in his sight, or you weren't somewhere you should have been, Akutagawa would demand to know where you had gone. He would only ease until he had an answer, and sometimes he would have to find you himself. If that was the case, Akutagawa would interrogate you in what you were doing. He needed to know, and no one was sure why.

Akutagawa just had this urge to protect you, to know where you were- otherwise, he would panic. Of course, Akutagawa had no clue he liked you. He never knew what that meant or what it could feel like. It soon got worse, and Akutgawa would assist you on mission he thought were dangerous. You appreciated it, thinking it was sweet.

It was only until his sister pointed it out to him in a joke, that he might have liked you after being so protective. Akutagawa would dismiss it immediately, but after a while he'd think about it... and he knew his sister was right.

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