boy friend scenarios | first date

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He'd ask you in the summer if you wanted to go to the beach. Since you both lived in the city, the beach was a fantastic idea to escape reality and ease your worries by yourselves. You'd probably end up catching a tan or a slight burn since you had so much fun in the sun. Atsushi would buy you ice creams to cool you down at the ice cream truck, too! By the end of the day you would walk along the beach, Atsushi holding the inflatables, you holding his belongings and sand in between your toes (and hair).


Dazai would cook for you! You'd spend some quality time together throughout the day, sight seeing and wandering wherever you pleased. In the evening, Dazai would cook whatever you wanted. He'd set the table out with rose petals and candles with a glass of wine. You'd probably have a few conversations about work, but Dazai would easily ramble on about how he loved you.

After you ate his great cooking you'd snuggle up on the sofa with blankets, watching films until you fell asleep... or until you wanted to get saucy.


He'd take you to the coolest bar in Yokohama at night. Neon lights, arcade games... and plenty of fine alcohol drinks. You'd sit at the bar, not surprised Chuuya knows the manager very well and we're able to get a free round of shots because the manager wanted you to be impressed! Chuuya would have wine as usual and vodka later, whereas you went for a gin and sipped from Chuuyas drink whilst he wasn't looking.

After you finished your drinks you'd play Paul and some arcades, Chuuya beating you in almost everything. It was very sexy watching him play Paul, slightly drunk with his seductive smirk. At the end you both caught a taxi back to your house, a bit tipsy and flirty in the backseat.


Ranpo would ask you if you wanted to visit a library/ coffee shop with him. It was a new shop that had opened with a vintage coffee shop on the rooftop. He would buy you and him a few books then coffee and cake in the morning sun. You two would speak a lot about mysteries, a little about work, but mostly about literature.

You would also look down to the people walking past and try and guess what their jobs and personality was like, and Ranpo would tell you if you're right or wrong! He would laugh at some of your outcomes, but he was mostly surprised at your deducing skills that he taught you. Your date would be chilled, relaxed and sweet!


He would search for the finest restaurant in Yokohama and then decide what was best suited for your date. He would book a private table, preorder your meals before you arrived, and let the date night go as planned. He would tell you to dress your best, and of course he was stunned at how beautiful you was.

Kunikida was stiff the whole night, worried something would go wrong. You noticed this, putting your hand on his and tell him to relax because you were more than satisfied just by being by his side. After your meal Kunikida drives you home, and helped you into your pyjamas after you fell asleep.


It probably wouldn't have even been intentional at first. Akutagawa hadn't realised it was a date until it ended and you had to say goodbye.

He had ask you to take a walk with him at night and you agreed, wondering if there was something on his mind. You two ended up agreeing that it was good to escape the havoc of the Mafia and stayed out longer than you anticipated. He took you to the best rooftop night view where you could watch the bright stars and the dark ocean as Yokohama nightlife thrived. You brought some snacks whilst you talked about anything (mostly bitching about others). And when you weren't, you lean your head on his shoulder, hearing soft music and traffic in the background. He was secretly wonder how your hair was so soft and brushed his finger against your hands. If you fell asleep, Akutagawa would share his coat with you.


A/N: hi guys! sorry for a very very very long hiatus. my life was falling apart lmao!!!!! basically my university was ripping me off and i fell into depression, and then I was deciding what to do next year for my university and holy shit it was so so stressful but I came out of it alive now!

I've gotten to a point where I feel like I can come back to finishing what things I had in plan now, but put an update on my profile about it all lmao

(There is a chapter before this but half the data has been deleted ?????? so please bear with )

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