bf scenarios | flirting/earning your heart

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At first, Atsushi would try and be subtle. He'd ask you if you'd like a a drink, offer to help you with work and would walk you home on a late night. Once he saw you smile and laugh around him, he would step it up. The president soon agreed to letting Atsushi work with you more, so you two spent a lot of time with each other.

Atsushi's would stutter a lot when he complimented you. He would grow so nervous in trying to flirt with you, his cheeks would turn a deep pink- and even deeper when you flirted back. Dazai desperately wanted Atsushi to use a cheesy pick up line, but Atsushi fortunately didn't fall for it. He wanted to get everything right when he was with you.

One night Atsushi offered to work with you after hours. You were nervous about being by yourself, so you asked Atsushi to stay with you.  Of course, he agreed. However, you fell asleep at midnight. Atsushi finished any work you had left and scooped you up


Dazai.exe has stopped working.

Dazai knows how to flirt, and even has the balls to ask a woman to die with him... but romance? When he knew how serious he was about you, he had to know how to show it without looking like the casual "please die with me you're so beautiful!!" talk.

Dazai couldn't figure out how to tell you his feelings that were stuffed so tightly inside him. He would go quiet, shy even, when he saw you. But it was the actions he chose to do which made you realise how caring he was.

Dazai protected you in battle and push you out the way to prevent you from any harm. He would try and sign you off from dangerous missions when you were there, or insist in going with you. Dazai would send you messages to see if you were okay throughout the day and answered your calls immediately.


Kunikida knew the second he saw you that you was the perfect woman. He had memorised all the boxes in his note book that described his ideal woman. He was thinking about replacing it all with just your name.

Kunikida would always try and help you with anything you needed...and really out do himself. Like Atsushi, very subtle movements at first that Ud usually went unnoticed. Kunikida knew his poor attempts weren't being seen, so he had to step it up a little which was making him nervous. But once you guys start getting closer he'd warm up to it.

He would stare at you as well, think about you when you weren't there. He's gonna go out of his way to impress you because you are exactly what he wants. He would write down whenever you mentioned your favourite coffee, time of the day and sweets. He would try and compliment you on your outfits and hair, but only when it was the two of you around. Each time he gave you a compliment your smile would set butterflies free in his chest.


"Hey, (Y/n)- San, want a Bon-Bon?"

Everyone would turn in surprise as Ranpo just offered his most prize possession to you. You would agree with a smile that Ranpo loved, which was exactly what he wanted to see.

Ranpo would try and make you feel special by doing things he would never do with anyone else- like sharing his sweets with you. He would also pick up extra sweets for you, make you coffee and telling only you about the mysteries that he solved. If Ranpo was going on a mission, he would ask only you to join, in order to spend more time with you buy himself. He would do it all to keep your attention on him and it worked like a charm. Ranpo would keep prolonged contact with you, wanting your eyes only on him. He would try to impress you gravely with his deduction skills, because he knew you loved to see it. It was impossible trying to hide away what you loved most about Ranpo- he would immediately know, and use it to his advantage like a flirt mastermind.

Whenever Ranpo saw he was a success, he would feel proud of himself. But most importantly, happy he could made your day better.

He probably wouldn't realise how attracted he was to you for a while. He mistakes his interests for frustration when his mind was locked onto you. You made him late for meeting, keeping him awake at night. He hated it, but forgot it all once he saw you.

He soon figured out why he was thinking of you so much. Once he did, he  would let you know immediately that he liked you. You would know pretty soon after he decided to flirt with you as well.

You thought Chuuya was joking the first few days, laughing whenever he said something like "your perfect, don't worry" or " wanna grab a drink? My treat for you." You wondered what had gotten into him, but then soon realise that he wasn't quitting and he actually liked you.

Chuuya would wink, smirk, lick his lips around you to make you know. He would continue trying to accidentally touch you, poking you more often or sitting next to you whenever he could. He would nudge your feet underneath the table at meetings, trying to joke with you discreetly and you would end up fighting each other with your legs playfully. He would try and make you laugh too, making jokes about Moris hair looking like a Karen cut- both you and him sound try not to snicker in the back of the room.

Chuuya was the biggest flirt- but hey, it worked.


We all know Akutagawa wasn't the one to speak about emotions. But you knew exactly how he felt about you. A lot of the time it was you trying to make moves on him whilst Akutagawa was lowering his guard down more around you. He wanted to feel safe around you more than ever, so hovering around you through the day made his iron grip loosen on his alertness.

He would always watch over you silently... like your own personal guard dog. If anyone was trying to attack you he'd attack them silently without you being aware. He wanted to protect you at all cost. He wasn't frustrated as he thought if you- you were a sweet melody playing in his head if despair. Akutagawa would come and find you on your break on the Mafias roof top... it was just you and him, and the vast sky.

When the day come when Akutagawa finally felt comfortable, he would do it in one short and quick action to let you know. He came up to the rooftop that evening before he left on his break to say goodbye, hold your arms tightly, peck your lips with his, then turn away quickly.

He couldn't be bothered with the flirting. Just straight to the point was what he needed.

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