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「Welcome readers! 」

Welcome to Aspynie's
Bungou Stray Dogs One Shot and Bf Senarios

That's right guys... IM BACK. *que pillar men theme*

It's been about a YEAR?! Nah I last updated a chapter in October 2019... which was the end of nostalgia! Man. Time flies. What the fuck is 2020 ABOUT my guys?! Wtf does miss rona think she's up to?? What's good tho I missed y'all, I hope you're all safe in this corona virus world.

After writing my first BSD fanfiction, I decided to do a collection of shorter ones. You guys showed me so much love for my Nostalgia fan fiction and I'm so grateful for it! Kudos to you readers reading this now!! (And omg I've seen so many lil typos since u guys started commenting more I'm like bUAH oh god)


Each Chapter is one one shot. The name on the title of the chapter is the who you are reading the x reader with, unless there is two names- in which it's a ship :) I haven't planned any ships yet, but I will be soon.

My one shots are usually lengthy! If you've read Nostalgia (my Dazai x reader fanfic), then you know how lengthy then can get aha. That was like, 170,000 words oft. Whilst writing these, I noticed how carried away I was getting with each chapter. It's very weird writing such a shorter story.

I also wanted to mention this (plz read)

I've notice some mistakes in my writing. I haven't been using all inclusive words. Sometimes I might have describe our dear reader-chan as pale, or short, or slim etc. I completely own up to them. I haven't seen any readers comments saying "but I'm not short/pale/tall/slim!" Etc, but I get a good amount of comments and I might have missed them. But even so, I shouldn't be having comments correcting me to make me change. I am aware, very aware, that not everyone is like this. I should know better, therefore do better this time around. I will try to include more inclusive adjectives ~ my deepest apologies to anyone that has seen this and have been effected by this in my work.

I have thought about gender issues and I think it would be hard for me to completely write in they for now. Why? I've never done it before, and I want to get it right without lacking in my normal talent. So to do that I would love to start with more than one one shot using they pronouns (if anyone here would like that? Plz comment and say yas queen or something lol). And then from there on I can write more with they pronouns feeling comfortable!

Other than those two things I love y'all and  I hope you enjoy!


Lots of love,

ikigai | bsd one shots and boyfriend scenarios Where stories live. Discover now