The reboot

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He checked his phone when he woke up. "Huh?" It wasn't the last day of school. In fact that wouldnt happen for another week. This was it. This was his shot of redemption. Jay got ready and was off to school to fix what he could. Knowing a possible future he knew he couldn't do everything the same. Somehow, Someway, he had a chance, a ray of hope. He arrived at school moments later.
"Hey Miguel."
"Oh, hey Jay whats up man."
He cant shoot Briana. That day was today.
"Hope you have a good day man im off to algebra 2 with Mr. Staten."
"Oh alright, see ya at lunch Jay."
"See ya." Jay left a fist out and obviously they did a super cool fist bump. Jay didnt talk to anyone that day. He planned. He knew the shooting was after school. But he needed to convince Miguel to not shoot Timothy. So he thought of miscellaneous ways to do so. Wait! I don't need to convince of anything. If he doesn't have a gun in the first place. Jay figured Miguel was hiding the gun but didn't know where. When Jay arrived at lunch he sat next to Miguel per usual.
"Hey man i have a question."
"Oh alright whats up?" Miguel looked puzzled.
"Well Miguel, if you had a love note to an anonymous person, where would you hide it so no one found out?" Miguel was very confused but gave an answer nevertheless. "Probably my locker, since only you, me, and a few others know it." Jay nodded. He knew in that moment that he would go to Miguels locker and take the gun. This has to be the solution. It has to be. So, Jay did exactly what he had set out to do. He went to Miguels locker right after the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. Its not here. He thought to himself upon opening the locker. Jay expected it to be here. If it wasnt here where could it be. It just doesnt make sense. The end of the day was approaching quickly. He had to do something. Jay saw Miguel. Miguel was watching Timothy as he made his way outside. Miguel reached in his backpack as Briana began running towards him. Jay couldn't hold back any longer and started running towards Miguel. BAM! Brodie sneakily ran up to Miguel and punched him so hard that he reflexively dropped the gun to the ground. Brodie picked up. "YOU SICKO! YOU KILLED MY SISTER! I REMEMBER! THEY ONLY SEE YOU TO BE YOU AND I FREAKIN REMEMBER! I KNOW ALL YOU'VE DONE! AND YOU! JAY GERRISON! A COWARD! WHO WONT EVEN STEP OUTSIDE OF THE SHADOWS! BRIANA! WE LEAVE! NOW!" Briana shook her head crying. Sobbing. Bawling her eyes out. "No! Miguel is special to me whether you like him or not! He is mine and you cant take that away from me!" Brodies smile turned menacing. "Maybe not but who wants a depressed boyfriend?" Brodie turned the gun in Jays direction. He shot. But, Miguel came running and took the fall for Jay. "No! MIGUEL! NO!" Briana grabbed the gun immediately and shot her brother. Brodies body was lifeless. Jay was mourning next to Miguel. "NO! WE WERE SO CLOSE! WE WERE SUPPOSED TO MAKE IT OUT! NOT ME! US!" Jay ran to Timothy. "THERES SOMETHING YOU CAN DO! SOMETHING! ANYTHING! BRING HIM BACK!" Timothy shook his head. "No, nothing can be done. I used the last of my power as a besko. No retakes." Jay stood in awe. "No... No retakes.. No loops..? Hes gone.. For good." Timothy nodded reluctantly. Jay raced back over to Briana. "Im sorry.." Briana looked at Jay and hugged him. "Its ok.. Miguel... He.. Loved you.." Together Briana and Jay helped eachother get their emotions in tact. They hosted a funeral for Miguel. After the funeral they went to his house. Into his bedroom. On his bed was an envelope. On the cover read "To Jay Gerrison." Briana patted Jay on the back and said that she would wait patiently outside. Jay opened the envelope. Inside was a letter.
Dearest Jay,
This... Is the end buddy. I know what happens. I hope you know why I took that bullet. You see. That loop.. It was mine. I secretly asked Timothy to send us to my loop. He did so and that was the last of his abilities he said that there were no redos this time. Normally Briana would get shot. Then you, then Brodie. Then i would... Take myself out of the equation. You were never truly aware of this. But thank you. You have helped me so much. I know we shouldn't remember. But.. I didn't forget. I remember. I remember all of my loops. I also remember all of yours. All of our journeys. Wouldn't trade those for the world. Keep Briana safe. Please. Take care of yourself too. Im sorry we couldn't stick to our promise of making it out together. But, Timothy told me this was the only way either of us escape and it could only be one of us. Thank you Jay. One last thing. In my drawer, the top one, i bought you a little gift. I wont be there on my birthday. So instead i bought you a gift for my birthday. Theres two of them. One for you and one for Briana. I love you brother. Remember me. Dont be sad that im gone. Be happy I was there.
Lots of love,
Jay began wiping tears from his eyes as he opened the drawer. Inside were two aqua-marine necklaces. Jay knew that one of them was the same one that he was supposed to buy Miguel the next day. He walked out of the house and gave Briana her necklace. "This is for you. Miguel wants us to keep these. Cherish them. Never forget." Briana said in a calm voice. "Well what do we do now?" Jay giggled at the thought. He had been through so much but he knew what Miguel wanted. "We stay out of trouble, and love life." With that the two went there separate ways home. Jay never forgot about Miguel. He never forgot about Brodie or Briana or Timothy. He never forgot the loops. He remembers the day when he was The Last Sane. The only person who had yet to become insane. Jay went to sleep and dreamt of the day he were to be reunited with his brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 ⏰

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