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(see end story for notes)

Everyone slowly started waking up and checking their phones making sure they didnt miss anything

Mal was passed out on kelley, and kelley was sleeping in what looked like a very uncomfortable position but anything to calm the youngest girl down.

Moe gets up to go check on Lindsey

Not up yet, but its only day two, she could wake up at anytime.

The doctors told the team that they just need hope.


Emily woke up to the sound of her heart monitor

She started to freak out

she hated that sound.

doctors came into calm her down and said she cant be released back with the team until she gets her heart rate back to normal , and that means to calm down

Emily did as well as she could and the doctors released her

Mal was getting breakfast with Rose, she was very quiet this morning

Emily ran right up to Kelley and gave her a hug for 5 minutes

Its's been hard for Emily lately, too many flashbacks.

Mal came back with Rose, and Mal was sobbing again. She's still confused and upset and this will take her a while to recover from.

Today was going to be a hard day for the team.


It was now 11 pm and everyone was freaking out.

Lindsey still hasn't woken up.

Emily was hyperventilating and Rose and Sam had to sit on either side of her to remind her to breathe in and out


Alex checked her phone

2:00 am     Friday       56%

Nobody could sleep

It was too nerve wracking

Its day 3 now

Emily had fallen asleep thanks to Rose

Mal was still up though, staring wide eyed at the ground

Mal enjoyed Lindsey, she thought she was really nice. She just wanted her to wake up.

Alex, Kelley, and Allie were watching a game on Alex's  phone

Moe was half asleep talking to Julie

Alyssa and Ashlyn we're talking keeper problems

Mal was sitting next to Rose who was frantically scrolling on instagram looking at dogs to make her forget the whole situation

They all felt lost.

Hi i know this was short but this was a chapter to set the setting, i hope you enjoyed and the next chapter is going to be a lot and it may be up tomorrow, thank u!

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