chapter 11 pt 1

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(see end for notes)

Rose sat down next to Tobin on the couch

"Everything is going wrong." Lindsey said blankly

"Why? I know about Sonnett and your concussion , i also know about Mal but Alex is a new situation." Rose breathed

"Alex and Serv are fighting" Said Kelley quietly

"I SWEAR-" Rose got up

Tobin sat her back down

"Calm down Rose"

"But why does everything have to go wrong?!"

"Because thats life" Christen said

Mal was breathing heavy

They all looked over at her

Lindsey shook her awake

"NO PLE-" Mal said but quickly muffled her mouth

"I was dreaming..." Mal said

"We know" Tobin said

"Kelley i cant take this PAIN in my head" Mal said

"You need to wait a little bit until you can take another advil"

"but kelley..."

"I know Mal. I know the pain. But you need to listen to me. I care about you. Ok? Take this as Kelley Advice: Just wait."

"ok. ok. im laying back down. Dont be too loud"

"Well what now" Christen said

"Lay down guys there's plenty of room. I think I'm gonna go lay with Alex. Will someone lay with Sonny? Rose you can stay by Mal" Kelley said

"I'll- I will go lay with Sonny..." Lindsey said quietly

"I wouldn't expect you not to" Kelley put her hand on her shoulder

"I know Kell, i'll keep the door open in case i need you all."

"Be gentle, I know you are but she's like glass right now." Kelley whispered

Lindsey nodded

"I figured Kelley and I can go get breakfast and 5 Hour energy later on..." Christen said

"Sounds like a plan Chris. Everyone get sleep" Kelley says while walking away

"Blankets and pillows are in the closet" She added

"I'll cover up Mal and Rose" Tobin chuckled softly

Kelley opened her door

Alex was face down in the pillow


Hi. I feel terrible for not updating for like 2 weeks buttttttttt I'm back. and im doing a part 2 of this but im driving to a place rn and it will be an hr or two so i will do pt 2 laterrr. i missed doing this but school is being a beotch:D thank you for all the support:)

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