Chapter 10

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H: Hiccup A: Astrid R: Ruffnut T: Tuffnut F: Fishlegs S: Snotlout
Y/N: Your Name

H: "(y/n) what are we going to do?"

Y/N: "I have no clue Hiccup."

H: "All I know is that we need to free that night fury from those dragon hunters"

A: There is no telling what those dragon hunters will be able to do if they keep hold of that night fury."

(Y/N): We  could go down there, see what they want with a caged night fury, and compromise.

H: (y/n) that has never worked before and I am the first person to go for non violence problem solving but it's not going to work with dragon hunters. They are deranged and crazy, and if we just try and talk to them we risk us and our dragons getting captured.

A: we still need to find a way to defend the edge though. Sitting around thinking isn't going to do us any good. We have to protect us and our dragons.

F: Well, what if Toothless and Frost were to go up to the ship and disappear?

(Y/N): That may work but we've done that before.

H: It doesn't matter if we've done it before, there is a night fury on that ship, we have to do whatever it takes to save them.

(Y/N): You're right that dragons life is more important than strategizing.

R: So are we gonna go and save this dragon or can I go home?

H: Lets go (Y/N).

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