Chapter 12

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A: (Y/N) wake up I can't lose you.

The dragon riders see what's going on and snotlout is sent over to fly you back to Berk so gothie can try and heal you. It's about a three hour flight home, but you won't notice because you're unconscious.

Three weeks have passed since the accident and you have shown no signs of waking up but you have seen visions. Visions of you and Astrid together with two beautiful children, you and the gang are still best friends, the dragons are still there with you and everything is great.

Another 2 days goes by and you have been showing signs of awakening. Soon enough you will be with Astrid once more.

You slowly open your eyes and realize it's nighttime. As you get up and try to move you are shoved down by the stabbing pain in your shoulder from the arrow. You decide to go back to sleep until morning.

Once morning hits you are awake and looking around noticing that you are in gothi's hut. You scan the room to see if she is anywhere in sight but to no avail she is not there. You sit up and try to move with that familiar stabbing pain from the night before.

(Y/N): ahhh!

A: (Y/N)! You're awake. Are you ok?

(Y/N): yeah, the wound is still healing I bet.

A:  Just lay down for a while please.

(Y/N): I'm sorry Astrid but I can't do tha...

She cuts you off with her soft lips against yours. You realize what's happening and kiss her back passionately.

A: you need to rest and heal, now stay.

(Y/N): Fine.

You drift off to sleep as you feel Astrid come next to you and lay down beside you.

The Tale of a Goddess (Astrid x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now