Chapter 11

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You go over to Astrid and kiss her on the head.

(Y/N): Astrid I love you, and if this challenge overcomes me then I want you to move on and it shouldn't be hard because we just started dating.

A: Don't say that, first of all, I love you no matter how long ago we started. Second of all you'll be alright.

(Y/N): Goodbye Astrid.

A: Goodbye (Y/N)

As you leave the edge you look at your lifelong friends and you can tell by the looks on their faces they are nervous for you and Hiccup.

(Y/N) to all: We'll be ok

S: We know. We'll come help you when a good portion of the hunters are gone.

You and hiccup take off to go fight off one of the biggest threats you've ever faced, not knowing if you'll come back alive.

(Y/N): Hiccup what are we going to do if this doesn't work?

H: Our friends will have our backs.

(Y/N): But what are they going to do against a night fury with us hostage.

H: We'll deal with that when we get there, which we won't.

(Y/N): Ok, I'm trusting you.

As you quickly approach the hunter ship you and Hiccup both know it's to late to back out now. Once your about 500 feet away you come in with blazing speed until you are almost above the ship which is when you disappear into thin air just like the plan then you swing back around and try to attack the ship but are halted by arrows nearly missing yours and Hiccup's dragon.

(Y/N): Let's try coming in from above!

Hiccup nods to you as the both of you simultaneously take off into the blue sky only to come plummeting straight down for the hunter boat then vanish into thin air and veer left, then hit the ship from behind knocking off 2 hunters. When you and Hiccup see what happened to the boat you two immediately know you have to get the night fury in the cage at least back to the edge in one piece.

(Y/N): Hiccup! If we don't get that dragon out of there it's going to drown.

H: You're right we made a huge hole in the boat it will fill up in no time. Grab the cage and let's go.

As the two of you lower your dragons down to latch onto the cage you both start getting bombarded by arrows and have to get out quick.

H: (Y/N)! There is no way we can get that dragon out while we are getting torn apart by arrows.

(Y/N): Fire at the polls so we can make them move and we can get the dragon.

As you start firing the poles start to fall, and as planned they fall almost right on the hunters, except one who had had an crossbow in his hands aiming at you.

H: (Y/N)! Look Out!

But it was too late you were already hit, right in the shoulder, bleeding profusely and screaming

H: (Y/N), No! Frost get him back to the edge!

As Frost returned you to the edge the other riders could tell what was going on and went in to do their best along with the night terrors. All but two friends went to go help Hiccup and Astrid.

(Y/N): Astrid, I love you

A: I love you too (Y/N)

You then slowly close your eyes and let the darkness inevitably consume you.

A: (Y/N) no don't leave me!

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