Chapter 5

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I was walking to my hut when I hear Dagur call my name.

"Hey (y/n)!"

"Hey Dagur, what do you want?"

"Well I was wondering if you could help me ask out Ruffnut?"

"Really Ruffnut of all people, you want to go out with her!"

"Ya I know, it's just, she looks so beautiful whenever she does, well, anything!"

"Wow, so you really like her?"

"No, I love her"

"...Alright I'll help you"

"Thank you so much (y/n)!"

"On one condition"


"You help me get a date with Astrid"

"Of course, but how do you think hiccup will feel?"

"Oh he won't mind"

"Really, I thought that he liked Astrid?"

"He used to, but kind of stopped over the years"

"Oh, alright"

We then went to his hut to figure out what to do to get Ruffnut to go out with him.

"Dagur I've got it!"

"What is it?"

"OK so remember when she met Eret and basically fell for him?

"Ya, but what does that have to do with me?"

"Well she was interested in his muscles so maybe try the same thing, like get her to see how muscular you are"

"You really think that will work?"

"I don't know, but it's worth a shot

"I guess"

Time skip after Dagger asks out Ruff

"She said yes, and your idea worked, she was gawking at my muscles!"

"Good for you man"

"Thanks (y/n)!"

"No problem, but now we have to figure out how I can get Astrid to go out with me"

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