Chapter 13

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You open your eyes and are blinded by the light outside. After adjusting your eyes to the discomfort of the sunlight you recall the events of dragons edge. You see Astrid is asleep next to you and quietly get up and leave trying to find someone you can get information from. Just then you hear an annoying but comforting voice nonetheless.

S: (Y/N)! You're awake

(Y/N): Yeah, how long has it been?

S: 3 weeks.

(Y/N): What!? How, I was only hit in the shoulder.

S: It was the fall that hurt you and you lost a lot of blood.

(Y/N): Oh.

S: The others are waiting for you in the Meade Hall.

(Y/N): Well let's not keep them waiting.

At the Meade Hall

You walk into the hall and the gang all rushes to you making sure your okay.

All: (Y/N) are you okay?

(Y/N): Yeah I'm fine but I'll probably have to wear a sling for a while.

A: That means you wont won't able to fly frost!

(Y/N): Yeah you're right. Oh! I know what to do!

A: What?

(Y/N): Astrid do you think you could fly frost?

A: (Y/N) I don't know. I've never flown anything other than a nadder. But I can give it a try. For you.

(Y/N): Astrid thank you so much. But you have to tell me if you can handle him or if it gets to be to much.

A: I know, I will.

H: We could all take turns flying him if it makes it easier for Astrid.

(Y/N): Really, you guys would do that for me?

H: Of course we would we're basically family.

(Y/N): Thank you guys so much it won't be long until I'm back in the saddle.

H: We know, but until then you're going to rest that shoulder and let it heal. Trust me I know about injuries *gestures to his leg*.

(Y/N): Yeah tell me about it. But how did you guys take down those dragon hunters.

H: Well when Snotlout took you back here we were able to get the night fury free because eventually we had taken down enough of their ships that Ryker had to surrender but not without putting a knife to the dragons throat. But he knew the couldn't face us without a fleet of ships.

(Y/N): Wow, that's amazing. Wait. Wheres that night furry?!

H: He's here on Berk.

(Y/N): Where though?

A: Well that's the thing we don't know who will take him. No one seems willing to. I think they're afraid of how she'll act.

(Y/N): It's a she?

A: Yeah and she's only slightly smaller than Toothless.

(Y/N): Well hiccup why don't you take her?

H: Well you know as well as I do that dragons are unpredictable. So we don't know how her and Toothless will react. They haven't met yet, and night furries are very territorial.  That's why we kept her in the cove for now.

(Y/N): Well there's only one way to find out right. Why don't we introduce them and if things get out of hand we just get out of there.

A: But what happens if she follows us if it goes poorly?

H: She can't her wing is fractured.

(Y/N): Then I think we should go and see if she's friendly

H: She was seeming afraid and nervous when we carried her back. But I've got a feeling she'll be more comfortable now that she knows we're not a threat. Let's go then.

You and the other riders get on your dragons until you're stopped by someone. It's Astrid.

A: You're not fit to fly hop on Stormfly

(Y/N): Astrid I'll be fine.

A: It wasn't a question. Now get on Stormfly before I do much worse than just shoot you with an arrow.

You reluctantly get on the large dragon out of fear and knowing you wouldn't win this fight.

(Y/N): C'mon Frost fly beside us.

The white dragon runs next to you as you take off with Astrid and he follows you to the sky.

(Y/N): I hope this goes well.

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