Raziel's Guardian (Ch. 4)

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Chapter 4

We arrived at what appeared to be a traditional castle with a keep, curtain walls, battlements, a moat, and a drawbridge. The drawbridge was down, and the portcullis was already up. Raziel entered the bailey like he owned the place. I followed close behind him so as not to get separated.

The first thing I noticed was all of the topless women. They had to be lesser beings to be out in the Bailey and not in the keep. I didn't need to see some of their auras to know that humans were among them. I was tempted to use my sight to find out what the others were.

I opened up my senses a tiny bit and gazed at the beings around us.


I heard the sharp command in my mind and my gaze snapped back to Raziel. He was glaring at me.

"The King that rules here is nearly as old as I am, and he is an Incubus. Unlike Jagger, he will use his powers to entrap you and make you do things against your will. If he has access to your mind, you won't stand a chance." He said under his breath so those around us couldn't pry.

"Incubi cannot control minds." I whispered back at him.

"He made a deal with Evaleen for the gift of mind control. In exchange, he impregnates his victims to bring more souls into this world." He answered grimly.

Horror filled me and a shiver raced down my spine as we climbed up the steps to the keep.

"Why is no one stopping us?" I asked. We hadn't been approached by anyone since we entered this realm.

"They know who and what I am. And the King gets first pick on all visitors." Raziel explained. He glanced at me before continuing. "I need you to keep your mouth shut when we are in his presence. If he directs a question at you, keep your answer as vague as possible. I cannot protect you if you insult the King."

I nodded my head and tried to keep my focus on the floor or the columns or anything other than the beings around me. Since entering the keep, I saw not a single being that had clothes on. There were couples rutting around us, the wet slapping sound of flesh on flesh and moaning was almost too loud. I could feel my face and neck flush from discomfort and embarrassment.

I watched as a naked woman with white, translucent bat like wings sauntered over to us. She had honey colored skin and bright red hair. Cat like green eyes were focused on Raziel and she licked her full lips. In short, she was breath takingly beautiful and completely naked.

"Raziel." She purred as she wrapped her arms around his left arm and pressed her bare breasts against him. She flared out her wings slightly, almost brushing them against his. With inhuman speed, Raziel snapped his wings closer to his back and faced the redhead chest to chest. The movement causing him to nearly knock me over.

"Valencia, you know not to touch," He said in a low, dangerous voice.

"Oh please, I've touched every other part of you through the centuries." She parried, reaching out to run one finger down his chest. Before she could get past his abdomen, Raziel grabbed her wrist.

"We are here to see the King. You know the rules." He ground out. I glanced at his face and fear slid down my spine, his eyes were glowing again, but the blue green color had taken on an ice like appearance to it. He was positively radiating menace.

Fear filled Valencia's eyes, she took a step away from Raziel and he eventually released her wrist.

"I shall get him; you can wait in the throne room." She said before walking away with her hips swaying.

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