Raziel's Guardian (Ch. 9)

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Chapter 9

I walked down an empty street in an unknown town trying to figure out where in the world I was in this dream world. I turned a corner and stopped in my tracks. There stood Rolus, just as naked and aroused as the last time I saw him. I crossed my arms over my chest and made my way towards him. I briefly wondered where Raziel was.

"Well, well, well. Looks like you completed the first part of the bargain." Rolus said to me. His voice was deep and rich, oozing sex. All I felt was revulsion.

"And now I've completed the second part." I said without preamble. It was time to stop playing games.

The King's eyes narrowed. "How do you figure that?"

"My body is asleep next to the Enforcer as we speak, I have willingly come to you to negotiate. Just as I had agreed to do." I said, hoping that was a solid interpretation of what he had said.

Rolus laughed and clapped his hands. "Oh, how delightful you are."

"Cut the shit, Rolus. I know you had a hand in what happened tonight between myself and the Enforcer. I want to know how and why." I said getting frustrated.

"And what makes you think I did anything at all?" He inquired.

I thought about how to answer that without giving away that I was mated to Raziel now. Incubi magic had a presence, and I knew that was what I had felt when we had begun the power transfer. The question was how he had infected me with it.

I decided to be vague, "I felt the presence of Incubi magic. The question is how you were able to affect the both of us without leaving your realm."

A slow smile of glee spread across Rolus's face. "My dear, you know that I can control the human mind. How soon you forget that you just visited my realm."

I furrowed my brow in thought. I hadn't felt his influence while I had been in his castle. I thought back to what had happened that day. My memory took me to when I had opened my sight in the bailey and Raziel had told me not to.

"You entered my mind for the brief moment when I opened my sight, but how?"

"It was quite simple to enter your mind and put my magic there. I even gave you that little dream about the power transfer so you could plant the seeds of suggestion to his Second, that Demon Lord. He's the one that told Raziel about you asking about the power transfer. Then I waited until Serna told me to release it. Surely you know that the Gods are all knowing, he knew what you two were planning on doing before even you did." He said.

I didn't say a word, hoping that Rolus would just tell me what he meant. At least now I knew why that dream gave me de ja vu.

Rolus sighed and continued, "When you decided to do a power transfer, Serna took the opportunity to force a mate bond between the two of you. Thus, ruining the hope of the Unseelie queen getting her claws into Raziel."

That didn't make any sense to me, as a Fae, the Queen worshipped the God Serna. Rolus noticed my confusion.

"Zarina went against Serna when she made a deal with Deimos. She did it because her lust for the Enforcer outweighed her loyalty to the God. So, Serna took away the one thing she wanted as punishment for disloyalty." He explained.

Understanding dawned on me. All of this was a game to the Gods. It just didn't make sense that they would play around with a being that would one day become one of their own. But then again, they seemed to one up each other all the time, perhaps they didn't view messing with Raziel as using him as a pawn.

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