Raziel's Guardian (Ch.7)

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Chapter 7

Raziel tracked the first demon to a gentleman's club. It was nearing sundown and the place was already packed with people.

"What are you going to do if he doesn't come with you?" I asked him.

"Kill him." Was the short response I got. I couldn't tell if he was serious or not.

"Kill him? He hasn't done anything wrong except cross the portal without permission." I said. The Enforcer wasn't known for murder.

"I need you to lure him out." He said to me, promptly changing the topic.

I stared at him. "How do you propose I do that?" I asked at last, not liking where this was going.

I didn't even know what kind of demon he was and in order to locate him, I needed my sight on. The same sight that saw through glamour. Majority of demons were extremely grotesque and wore glamour in the human realm. I couldn't exactly charm a demon that repulsed me.

Raziel didn't answer me, instead he was looking towards the entrance of the building. His eyes began to glow right before he snapped out his wings and took to the sky. In less than the time it took for me to blink, Raziel landed in front of a figure that had just exited the establishment and grabbed him by the neck.

My eyes widened and I ran towards the two. "Raziel, don't!" I screamed. Fearing that he really would kill the man.

As I got closer, I noticed that the figure being suspended in the air was a Redcap. They were some of the most savage demons in the underworld, known for feasting on the flesh of humans.

Raziel's blue green eyes were alight with that unholy glow again, the black tendrils of power around him crackled and snaked around his legs, moving up his body.

"Raziel, please." I said, reaching for his arm. As I made contact with his cold flesh, he turned his head towards me. There was no sign of recognition in his gaze as he looked at me. I released him and took a step back.

Fear slid down my spine, as Raziel released his hand from around his captive's neck, the black tendrils of magic closed around the Redcaps neck to continue choking him.

The Enforcer took a step towards me, a cruel smile breaking out on his face as I took another step back. "So breakable." He murmured as he reached for me.

I ducked under his hand and went for the dagger strapped to his thigh. My fingers closed around the hilt right as he turned and grabbed me by the shoulder. I jerked the dagger out of the sheath and stabbed him in the arm, he roared in fury but let me go.

I turned to face him. "Raziel, snap out of it. This isn't you." I pleaded as I brandished the dagger in front of me, watching the injury I just made heal. I glanced at the Redcap and noticed that he was going purple.

I made a quick decision and decided to go for my back up plan. Not knowing if it would work, I made a portal in front of me as soon as Raziel lunged. After he went through it, I snapped it shut.

The Redcap fell to his knees on the ground, coughing and sputtering. Before he could get off the ground, I opened the portal I had just closed in Miami and shoved him back into the underworld realm he came from.

Breathing hard, I leaned up against the building. I was still clutching the dagger. I lifted it up and nausea rolled through me at the sight of Raziel's blood. He was probably going to kill me for drawing blood.

I wiped the sweat off my brow. The Miami heat was back. I needed to find the last two demons before worrying about what Raziel would do to me when I inevitably had to summon him back. He was going to be pissed that I just sent him to the Vale. The Vale was the demonic realm also known as Limbo.

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