Prologue: An introduction to an a**hole.

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       I sit in the tall, soft grass, staring off into the distance. The sun is slowly setting, casting an orange reflection on the horizon, and a pinkish hue upon the clouds. Birds are settling in for the night, a few feeble chirps heard once every few minutes. A soft swiff of some grass moving sends me into a squatting position. I’m alert, eyes dilating, silent.

“Relax, Isiaah. It’s just me.” 

        My brother appeared and sat next to me, offering me a glass of punch. I relaxed and gently took it, sighing. “If you’d stay out of trouble and watch your mouth, maybe you’d stop ending up in jail and on people’s hate list. Then you wouldn’t afraid of your own shadow.” He sipped his drink, which was either rum or sake, no doubt. 

        “I’m not afraid of Mitch. I’m afraid of his brother, and he already beat the crap out of me. And I’m just being careful.” I rolled my eyes, took another sip. This punch tasted like freshly used soccer socks. 

        “How about you stay out of trouble this time? And cut that hair…you look like you took your hair styling advice from a young Jeff the Killer.” He smirked at me; I glared. My hair was a little shaggy, so what? …Okay yeah it was super tangled and fluffed up in random spots as well, but I didn’t want to admit he was right. 

        “Might wanna redo the coloring in your hair if you’re going to keep it too… your black roots are peeking out.” 

I growled.

        “Why don’t you shut up, Arch? You need to cut your hair too, Mister Ginger Rapunzeke.” He laughed. “And what about Peter, eh? He doesn’t even know you’re alive! You know he has to still be hurt from when you were abducted.” 

        He immediately became serious. 

        “…People could try to kidnap Isaac and I again and I could put Peter in danger-“ 

        “Bull! You’re just afraid to talk to him, because of what you did, because you have ruined the family n-” My brother put an abrupt end to my yelling, leaving a stinging sensation on my face. 

        “…..never speak those hateful words mom and dad did. Never. And they said it about you too.” He dumped his drink on me, threw the cup down, and stormed back into the house. I deserved it. It was a low hit, and it was uncalled for.

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