Chapter 10:My Father is an assassin...and a Vampire?

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(POV= Isiaah)

        After tracking down my apparent father (with the help of Looney, who finally admitted that he never got bit by a vampire, he didn’t exactly absorb any Moon Elf from anyone, and he just implanted crap in my version of his memories, ‘not wanting to upset me by telling me the truth’), I found myself sitting across from him, watching him sip tea. I was deeply confused; he was a Thomas, yet his short, unruly hair was a somewhat-rusty orange, unlike the rest of his family’s jet black. Freckles dotted his face in a semi-thick pattern along his thin cheeks and somewhat bigger nose then what usually resulted in a Thomas boy. His eyes were a bright bluish-purple, lined with thick, girly lashes; and finally, his thin, almost heart shaped lips seemed to always be curved into a content, friendly smile (that sat over a thin, short goatee) made his face so deceiving. Parts of him DID mildly remind me of myself, but more so of Looney.


           “I’m…glad you decided to find me…and talk to me… despite…everything.” He seemed to choose his words carefully, his past job being a probable cause. Sipping his tea, his eyes were permanently watching my face, as if preparing for a screaming battle. Instead, I stared at him blankly, in shock. After several silent moments, he deemed it appropriate to begin talking again. “…well….my name is Carter, I suppose you should know…your mother…she was quite the beautiful woman…she wasn’t a Light Elf like your cousin’s mother, her sister- I assume you called your cousins your brothers until recently- but a Moon Elf, rather. The family that you went to after being ‘lost’? That was her Moon-Brother’s family.”

           “M-moon…b-brother…?” I squeaked. I was in such shock, because for once, everything was sinking in quickly.

           “Mm…you don’t know…? Her Moon-Brother was the boy she played with throughout her short elven childhood. Like…Peter… the girl he dated would technically be his Moon-Sister, since she caused him to turn slightly Moon-Elf… Did your Aunt and Uncle teach you nothing?” My…er…father’s faced turned into one of irritation, and he cursed in vampiric, getting up and pacing unhappily. I understood it, which didn’t surprise me; becoming a vampire normally resulted in instantaneous understanding of the language.  “Idiots, lie to my child, then can’t even teach him the basics of elven race…”

           “I-I…….you had two kids, with my mom…didn’t you?” He paused, quirking a rusty, perfectly groomed brow at me.

           “…She was supposed to have twins…yes…but one died, and you barely made it…” I could hear a catch in his voice. It bothered me, to see a man with such a rough, insensitive reputation have feelings. “We were going to name him Luthor…” So that’s what Looney was supposed to be called… He then cleared his throat and forced a smile back onto his face. “She was so happy when she found out that you made it, despite that. And she was quite stubborn with spelling your name wrong…she didn’t want you to have the same exact name as many other boys in the world.” He sat back down, bringing his tea up to his mouth with a shaky hand. I didn’t even know why he was drinking tea when he was a vampire; as far as I was aware of, they only could drink blood to live.

           “…oh…” I felt awkward, and angry, all at the same time. This is a man that killed dozens of men in his long vampire life, being the eldest of his brothers, and yet he sat in front of me, seeming normal, like he had feelings.


           “….you’re confused…about my attitude…” he ran some nervous, thin fingers through his hair, sighing. “I wasn’t exactly in the right state of mind, while I was really into the Assassination…business.” He cringed slightly at his own use of the word ‘business’. “I was suffering from depression…after your mother had died…of breast cancer…” He closed his eyes tightly. “…I was also under the influence of several different drugs…including alcohol… and a vampiric drug that increased my bloodlust and other vampiric instincts…It caused me to thoroughly enjoy killing…it brought me some brief satisfaction and comfort, each time…It turned me into a monster…I had been an assassin for years and years…but I never enjoyed it like I did while I continuously fried my brain with simulants and such…Your mother was the only thing that had ever appealed to my calm, friendly side…” He chuckled sadly. “You have no idea how much I regret everything now…even the people I killed before I lost my mind. It took me months of being sedated in my little brother’s place, being force-fed the blood I needed every day, to allow my body to heal my brain, and for me to realize what I had done.” I remained silent, knowing it was better to wait until he was done before I’d ask questions, especially when I was too mad to speak respectfully at the moment.

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