Chapter 8: Arch.... Chin up. (POV of Archie)

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           Peter told me everything, absolutely everything. All of his pain, how long he waited, his thoughts at the time, everything. Even how he still sometimes listened to song I made for him before he met Sam.

           “Moving on is…hard…but…worth it, for that someone you find that you could spend the rest of your life with. You don’t have to forget the person, or even your feelings for them…You just accept that you’re not going to be able to be with that person, and it’s just the way it is.” I nodded, slowly, still sniffling, looking away from him with my lip trembling. “…Arch….Chin up. You’re a….nice….man. You’ll find someone who can love you endlessly because they love you for you, okay?” He was holding my face now, making me look at him, but gently.

           “You mean a guy will like my flirty personality and my body.”

           “Yes- I mean no- I mean- STOP THAT. Don’t get me in trouble with Sam.” He huffed in frustration, which made me giggle. I was feeling a little better. A little. A grin had snuck onto my face. “HA! I made you smile.” Peter was grinning now. Damn. He expects me to get over all this cuteness? I whacked his chest lightly, blushing. He chuckled softly, ruffling my hair.

           “…can I at least cuddle with you, just one last time?” Peter seemed to hesitate at this, before slowly nodding and leaning back, helping me into a sitting position on his lap, then wrapping his arms around me tightly. It was nice to know he still cared, and that he was still going to be very protective of me, just not for… boyfriend reasons. I had snuggled into him, my head resting on his chest, eyes closed, listening to his heart. He was so warm, so comfortable…his heart beat was soft, calming. He felt like home…A home that I didn’t have anymore.

           I found myself eventually humming the song I wrote for him, tears slipping down my face, and I felt Peter tense ever so slightly.

           “Archie….don’t….don’t do that…you’re gonna hurt yourself further…and bring back pain for me, too….” I just shook my head, sobbing... He hugged me tighter. “Archie. Stop.” I  quieted, sniffling.

           “….but it was a good song.” He chuckled sadly.

           “Yeah…yeah at the time, it was. But for now, leave that song on the shelf… bring it back when it won’t hurt you anymore.” He kissed the top of my head. “You’ll be alright. I’ll put a bullet in whoever’s head if they hurt you, you got it? I’ve got your back. Always have, always will. …You’ll have to let me approve of any new boyfriends though, alright?” He purposely started tickling me at this point, teasing me and trying to cheer me up. It worked alright, and I was giggling again.

           “Alright, alright…..!” He stopped tickling me, grinning.

           “Good. Lotta boys around here that are pure trouble…”

“…Isn’t Sam a thief and that’s literally how you met him? Like he literally tried to pickpocket you and you caught him….then decided he was cute and so you were like MINE….”

           “…..that’s different.”

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