Chapter 9: It's Connor time.

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I should introduce myself really quick here. I’m Connor Valez, and everyone likes to think I’m some kind of real Spiderman. The only problem with that is I was born with the ability to shoot webs out of my wrists, and in the actual Marvel comic- not the old movie- Peter Parker messes with a watch to be able to shoot webs. I can’t always just climb up walls like him either- not if my palms get sweaty.  I do react before I think if detect a threat, though. That’s just something my whole family does.

           So now that we’re clear on the spider-boy crap, I’m fifteen. I have dark blonde hair, and the same eyes as my father (Tucker Valez) and I’m at a relatively short height for a guy (5’7). I love videogames and keeping to myself, but I do work out…a little, just enough so I actually have muscle. I have spider bites- the piercings I mean- and I absolutely usually hate doing anything that could be considered stupid and/or life endangering. But then Axel starts talking to me….

           “WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I was flying down the road on a motorcycle, grinning ear to ear, no helmet, no shirt, just shorts and some Nikes that I’ve had forever. My dad would shoot me if he knew….but who cares? He isn’t here.


           I grinned, carefully letting go of the handles and standing on the seat, shooting webs at the handles and grabbing onto them, suddenly doing sharp, little circles. Axel had to turn around and come back, and he just sat chuckling at me, grinning away. Maybe I should describe him too….

           Axel isn’t super big, but he is still nearly pure muscle. He has light brown  (nearly blonde, actually, because that’s his natural color) hair that is shaved on the sides, his bangs allowed to grow in front of his eyes ever so slightly…speaking of which, they are thinner almond shaped kind of eyes; their color is a crisp, unnerving green that reminded me of that really light colored grass, rimmed in a brown that seemed to frame the color perfectly. They almost always sparkled with mischief and pure, utter confidence. His nose is thin, but seems nearly perfectly structured, like most of him.  He has ‘Cupid’s Bow’ lips that are a little exaggerated, and ever so perfectly plump (but not quite like a womans). When he smiles, his teeth are a dazzling flash of pure white, and his canines look almost vampiric. He wears a diamond in one ear, and varying hats, on most days. So yes, he kind of looks like a douchey guy. A cute one, though. But he really wasn’t one, not when you got to know him…

           When I finally stopped my spinning, so I wouldn’t puke, I sat down on my bike and grinned at Axel.

           “So…what was it that you wanted to talk about?” I saw excitement flash over his eyes, and his grin got wider.

           “Well let’s see… I finally got done with my training, aaaand now I can keep all the money I make….hm….what else….I bought my own house. You know what that means, Con….” He winked at me playfully. To my utter disappointment in myself, I blushed.

“You know I can’t go anywhere with a girl. Not that I’d want to…I’m perfectly fine without getting myself caught up in some other chick who treats me like crap.”

“Connooorrrrr, man, live a little! Who said it had to turn into a relationship?”

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