Chapter One: Alright, let's get this show on the road then.

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Look at this, just the prolouge in and I’m already having you think I’m a complete douche who starts fights. Well. Looks like I’ve given you a pretty good idea of what I used to be. And what my alter ego is now, on a good day.

Let me explain why the alter ego thing is actually normal for me. I’m an elf, a rare… race of elf.  I was born to elves known as Light Elves (or Sun Elves, among various other names depending on who you ask) which are known for general kindness and generosity, as well as intelligence (powers of course revolving around light and things that can be used for good or they are quite random).  However, elven race is not completely or (sometimes) at all dependent on what race you are born to; rather, it can be the race you are raised by or by a race you spend most of your time with. Archie (my older brother by seven years) was actually raised by my parents and our family up till he moved out, which made him a complete Light Elf as well (my little brother, whose only a year younger than me, was the same too. He’s Isaac). I was a stupid child, so I got lost at a very young age and discovered by a Moon Elf family. My parents didn’t find me until I was ten, and by that time, I had already become a complete Moon Elf. Moon Elves are known for split personalities (slash having alter egos) and mischievous ways. Their most calm, normal side is present during the day. That side is generally what is more prominent in the person’s personality and what personality traits are common in the actual family bloodline. The other side is the exact opposite, and often seems quite insane, no matter how kind its personality is. Either way, the Moon Elf race is also known for its determination and stubborn attitudes, as well as taking actions largely based on their curiosity and their crave for more information (which, yes, often makes them quite intelligent too).

So there you go. My real parents started to hang around my ‘other’ parents discussing how I was raised and all the silly things I did. I didn’t quite like them. I was already very rebellious, and that was my ‘good’ side, so I avoided my goody-two-shoe parents, and I decided to drag my brother into every illegal and dangerous thing I did because I simply did them. He was protective of me, and he didn’t even know or like me all that much. He just knew we were family and that I was an idiot. I got to hang around him and his boyfriend at the time (Peter. Woo.), which made me meet Mit (Mitchell), who was around the same age as me. I avoided being too friendly with him till five years later, though, because I didn’t trust Night Elves (The main ‘branch’ of elven race in which Moon Elves stems from), despite that not making sense since Peter was too. Well. Mostly. Since Peter had dated a Moon Elf girl at age 13, he was half Moon Elf too. Which is why I liked him and he was my best bud until he left for college, even after my brothers went missing. Isaac had loved to hang out with Mit, and they were practically joined at the hip because of how close they were.

To sum up why Mitch was and continues to be so ticked at me…. I had popped up in his life right when Isaac went missing, conveniently, comforted him, and he became the first and only boyfriend I ever had and continue to have. I generally prefer the ladies, but when you grow up with an older brother who’s gay… you tend to be a bit more lenient.

…. That sounded horrible. I’m sorry. But I don’t know how else to explain it.

Anyway, so I was with him…. And I was still doing illegal things and being an idiot…. And then his dad died. Of course, my douche self and big mouth had to go and make a very rude comment, and I was smacked quite hard and booted from his life for the rest of my days, as well as beat the crap out of by my ex best bud, aka his brother, aka Peter.

Let’s move on now, shall we?

We sit now in my piece of crap house, my brothers emptying their stomachs outside at my latest development’s results. I was bit by a vampire, and I was one of those ‘lucky few’ elves who survive the disease attacking the very sensitive elven blood cells, so I had decided to bring home a snack who thought I was going to be her boyfriend.

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