Chapter 4: Comformation, A Mother's Intuition and A Talk With Aphrodite

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Xena and Gabrielle are in Joxer's room and has told him about their reincarnation and how they were born first as Jessie and Abigail. He lays there, soaking everything in. "Wow! That's amazing!" he says. " No wonder you two look slightly different." Joxer looks out the window, then back at them and says, "This Lester guy, do you think he's a descendant of mine?"

Xena and Gabrielle smile at him, "Oh yeah." Gabrielle says as she walks over and grabs a small hand mirror from a dresser. She walks over to him and says, "Why don't you have a look!" She puts the mirror in front of him; he stares at his reflection and smiles.

"Wow! I look good!" Joxer says as he rubs his fingers through the small goatee that is starting to grow.

"Don't develop a big head now, Joxer!" Xena says, smiling. "I think we should get an opinion from the one person who'd really know what's going on."

All of a sudden, Aphrodite appears in front of them. "Hey, how's it going!" Aphrodite says, smiling at everyone.

"Aphrodite!" Joxer says with a huge smile on his face. "At least you still look the same!" Aphrodite looks at him and smirks.

"Aphrodite, Lester was shot with an arrow by one of Ares Olympian guards." Gabrielle says to her. "He went into shock and woke up, a little different."

"Oh, no!" Aphrodite says first worried, then gives a smirk and says, "Looks like I may have to kick Ares ass again!" She looks over at Joxer and smiles, "Hello Joxer! It's been eons since I have seen that goofball smile of yours!"

Xena and Gabrielle's eyes get really wide, "So he really is Joxer!" Xena says, surprised.

"I told you so!" Joxer says with confidence.

"But, how?!?" Gabrielle asks with a confused look on her face.

"Just like with you two, Joxer was reborn as Lester Jacks; it just took getting shot by an arrow from one of Ares guards and going into shock to make Joxer appear." Aphrodite says.

"Right now, he has no memories of Lester." Xena says. "Jessie's spirit is still with me, so I remember my life as her."

"Same here." Gabrielle says. "Abigail's spirit is still with me. I remember my life as Abigail; also, both of our spirits are mixed."

"Lesters spirit will intertwine with Joxer's. Let's just say Lester is sleeping right now." Aphrodite says with a smile.

"Hey, wait! You knew about this!?!" Gabrielle says seriously.

Aphrodite gets a smirk on her face and says, "I couldn't let you two be without your bestie now! It just wouldn't be right! I hope you're not angry!"

Xena and Gabrielle look at Joxer and smiles. "Never," Xena says.

Joxer takes his good arm and puts it out, signaling a hug. Xena hugs him, then a misty-eyed Gabrielle hugs him and kisses him on the forehead. Joxer then tells Gabrielle, "It's ok. Don't cry. I'm back now," Joxer looks at them and gives his goofy smirk, "Looks like I can't go around as Joxer the Mighty in this day and age." he says. "Joxer Jacks! It has a nice ring to it!"

There's a knock at the door, and Kira walks in, "Hi! Just checking in on everything." she says. She walks up to Joxer's bedside and notices the happy looks on everyone's face. She looks at Aphrodite and says, "Hi Di! What brings you for a visit!"

"Well, we needed her to confirm something." Xena says.

"Confirm what?" Kira asks.

"Aunt Kira, we like you to meet our old friend, Joxer." says Xena.

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