Chapter 6: To Save A Life, A Reunion of Sorts and A Family Torn

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A couple of hours later in an operating room, a surgical team operates on a sedated Kira. "Blood pressure and heart rate are stable." says a nurse.

"Good." says the doctor.

He glances at the anesthesiologist, who says, "She's doing great."

The surgeon takes the scalpel and starts to make an incision to a small part of the liver while a nurse cleans the area with the gauge. "This patient's liver is amazing!!" the surgeon says as he selects a portion of the right lobe of Kira's liver and, with the scalpel, starts removing the part from the other half.

After he has carefully separated the part selected, he removes it with a pair of clamps. Her liver automatically starts to regenerate itself. He gently puts it in a dry iced container, and a nurse rushes into a connecting room where another surgical team is waiting with a sedated Maria. The nurse handed the container to another nurse, who brings it to the operating table.

The surgeon tending to Maria looks at everyone and says, "Let's begin." A few hours later,

"Heart rate stable, blood pressure 145 over 90." a nurse says.

Another nurse suctions blood from the open incision as the surgeon has removed the damaged liver and is connecting the donated liver to the blood vessels and bile ducts. Suddenly Maria's blood pressure spikes then drop as she flatlines.

"We need a d-fib stat!" The doctor yells.

Outside the waiting room Xena, Gabrielle, Detectives McBain, and Shaw wait with anticipation. The surgeon that was tending to Kira walks out of the ER, and everyone stands up.

The doctor looks at Xena and says, "Your aunt is in recovery and is doing great."

Xena gets a look of relief on her face as Gabrielle hugs her. "Your aunt is a very healthy woman." the surgeon says.

"When can I see her?" Xena asks.

"Well, she's still sedated right now, but she's in her room." says the surgeon. "You can go visit right now, but only for a short time."

"How's Cortez doing?" McBain asks.

"Right now I don't have that information." the surgeon says. "She still is in surgery. I will have a nurse come out as soon as one is available to give an update." The surgeon leaves.

"She's going to pull through this." Shaw says worried, "She did two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan when she was in the Army. She battled in some major  wars. She's a fighter; she has to survive this."

Gabrielle puts her hand on Shaw's shoulder. "She sounds like a brave woman." Gabrielle says.

Shaw looks at her, smiles, and says, "In my eyes, she's a hero."

"If anything happens to her, Aunt Kira will be heartbroken." Xena says with a worried look on her face. "I'm going to go check on Aunt Kira quickly; I'll be right back."

Xena starts to leave, but then a nurse walks out and asks, "Are you all with Police Chief Cortez?"

"Yes! How is she?" McBain asks.

"She flatlined once." the nurse says. Everyone gets a worried looks on their faces.  "But we were able to bring her back." says the nurse. "Right now, she is stable, the surgeon has transplanted the donor's liver and is finishing up the surgery." The nurse looks at Xena and says, "Your aunt is a hero; if we couldn't find a match by tomorrow, Police Chief Cortez may not have lived."

Everyone gets a sigh of relief on their faces. Gabrielle hugs Xena, and they smile at each other. Shaw takes a deep breath and sits back down. McBain smiles and  then says, "I have to call the station and let the captain know her status!"

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