
51 6 1

Oct. 25, 2019

Idek what to title this

Im just saying that I'm done with that hector guy. Like I can't even date him anyways cuz he's 18 but he looks allot younger uwu Id show yall what he looks like but like thats his privacy so


My school is having a choir Halloween carnival and im so stoked to help out with it. WE HAVE A FUCKING HAUNTED HOUSE THAT WE ARE SETTING UP

So the carnival (booths, kids games) is gonna be in the gym, and to the sides of the gym there's doors, and thos lead to the boys and girl locker rooms downstairs. And those locker rooms are connected by a very looooong hallway under neath the gym.

And so basically the haunted house is the whole downstairs and its huge. And we make it so scary too. We can't even allow little kids in there. Adults from all around town even go to the event just to go to the haunted house.

Oh and the hallway that connects the locker room, its completely dark. Ill take some pictures and show yall what the hallway looks like with the lights on. And ill draw a map of the whole area we are using so yall can see what I'm talking ab cuz i suck at describing things

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