Fake Christian lmao

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Bruh so my choir teacher is mormon and she's listening to christian music

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Bruh so my choir teacher is mormon and she's listening to christian music...

Like y'all you can say that mornons are christians all you want, but that's NOT true

A few years ago they weren't allowed to listen to christian music, but to seem like they are Christian, mormoms started listening to it.

And not long ago they changed their name from "Mormon" to "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints"

Bruhhh wtf isn't that just a little dumb

I ain't trying to argue with any morm- cHuRcH oF jEsUs cHrIsT oF lAtTeR dAy sAiNtS, but if they knew everything ab their religion, they'd see that they are not Christians. But they aren't being told everything about their religion!!!

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