April 17 2020
Alright if y'all think i'm typin this out for attention then piss off cuz that ain't why i do it
Gosh i sure do try to hang in there
But damn it's so hard most days and it's been getting a whole lot harder to hold on just a little longer till i move out of my house
I keep telling myself to just wait a little more, but it seems further and further away
It's like all the little things i don't like in my life add up to something that's impossible to handle, and nothing makes it better
I don't have any motivation to keep holding on anymore, nothing and no one convinces me to. I have no motivation for anything at all.
I don't know what i'm gonna do
I feel so alone, it's like all the good things in my life slowly disappear and they don't come back no matter how hard i try.
Omg the first part of this video is me except i only don't do those things cuz i'm scared of my dad and in how much more hell-like he'll make my life if i started doing all of those things.
And trust me i would've been cutting myself a long time ago but i'm too terrified that i'll be in so much trouble by my parents and it'll only make my life so much worse.I just feel like i should end it cuz i don't having anything to live for, so what's the point?
But of course i'm not going to do it, i mean what if i don't die? Then my parents will keep their eyes on me and i won't be able to try again another time.Damn i wish bts could have the same effect that it used to😢😢
Anyways does anyone feel the same way i do, at least for the most part?