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They realized that they are not alone; hiding in a corner appears to be someone listening to their conversation. The two warriors looked behind in surprise to who was spying on them.

"Commander Qadira, what are you doing there?" April asked in surprise.

After she asked her question, the three stared at each other for a solid 5 minutes, in a deserted hallway with no one entering. The Commander then looked out the window, and then told the two about the consequences of their decision.

"If you spread the news and it is heard by the King, well let's just say that the King would be unhappy with that. You don't want to make the King unhappy, right?"

The twins froze, visualizing what may happen to them once the King knew about it. The King may order to behead them, send them to the den of lions, send to the dungeons, and even set them on fire. With the fear visible in their faces, the commander hid the giant smirk plastered on his face.

"What will happen to us, we can't die!" Arjie whispered to his twin who was speechless to what the commander had said.

"The decision is still yours, just remember what may happen." Commander Qadira said while leaving the twins standing in the empty hallway, dead stunned on what happened.

"What will we do?" Arjie once spoke again in desperation for answer.

"I...I actually don't know" April said head-down in disbelief.

"What do you mean? You're never like that!" Arjie yelled at her. April was always sure on what to do in situations. Among the five, April acts as a leader, making decisions in trivial things, so seeing April being unsure of something is never expected of her.

In Crisom

Another day has passed since Prius was captured and every hour, he becomes more and more anxious on what will happen the next days. Rumors have spread on Prius' agenda inside the Kingdom of Crisom.

"Have you heard about the prisoner's trial later on? It will be decided tomorrow."

"I've heard that the kid will be fed to the lions tomorrow."

The soldiers kept Prius in dismay by taunting him of grim ways to punish him, but Prius remained quiet in his cell, head down looking at the floor, his messy hair kept his eyes hidden from the soldiers to see, dark rings surrounding his eyes and bruises all over his body.

Hours later, five soldiers opened Prius' cell and sending him to the center of town, together with another ten prisoners to march from the center to the edge of the central town. Prius was tied along his hands while being thrown rocks by the townspeople. While throwing rocks, the townspeople yelled to Prius words that struck him like a sharp knife.




Stones and rocks kept raining over Prius, making him bleed even more from being hit in the head, legs, and other parts of his body.

The sun sets and Prius was thrown again in his cell. Blood, wounds and bruises all over his body, one hit from the head caused bleeding from his forehead causing blood to run on his face.

This torture repeats itself for over one week. Day after day, Prius starts to lose hope, hope from being rescued by his friends. Losing his sanity from the scars made from the abuse he is getting.

Kingdom Iusticia, 3rd Force Barracks

Due to fear, the twins kept silent for the whole week. April and Arjie became more quiet, more reserve, and less social, as if they are hiding from people. They kept silent until Valemar noticed their change in behaviour, later on Aniello then noticed as well. The two asked the twins about what happened that caused their strange acts.

"April, are you two okay? You've been mute to the fact you've been avoiding us." Aniello said in concern

"I agree, is it because of Prius' death?" Valemar asked.

"What are you guys talking about? We are fine." April said in a weird, unfamiliar tone.

"No you're not. It has clearly written all over your faces. Arjie, what's wrong." Aniello replied in a serious face.

"We're okay. There is nothing wrong with us." Arjie insisted Aniello and Valemar.

"There's definitely something wrong. Are you hiding something from us?"

Aniello and Valemar instantly became curious about the reason on why the twins are acting that way. Even though the Duval twins kept insisting the two that they are all right, they know that something was not right at all.

"We're friends, why are you hiding something from us?" Aniello asked while squinting his eyes towards the twins.

"Alright, fine! I'll tell you then!" Arjie yelled in frustration.

"Arjie! Don't you dare tell them!" April growled at her twin. However, before she could stop him, Arjie covered his twin's mouth because of annoyance and said.

"Prius is still alive!"

"What!" the two screamed. After that, Arjie shushed them so that no one can hear them; after all, they are still in the barracks.

"Okay, are you happy?" Arjie said while his twin is behind him twitching her eye and palming her face in anger.

"Why the hell did you keep that from us?" Valemar asked in anger. Again, Arjie shushed the two and dragged them into a room where no one can hear them.

"I'll explain it from here." April insisted on telling their reasons. April told Aniello and Valemar about their fear of this news being heard by the King. The twins said that if the King knew about it, they would be punished.

"If that is your excuse, why do you think the King will be upset over that?" Aniello asked the Duval twins.

The twins remained silent, looking at each other. Aniello sighed and asked where they got that idea. April then looked at his twin then said, "Commander said."

Valemar squinted at April because of her answer, "From Commander Qadira? That seems peculiar."

"Is it?"

Meanwhile in Crisom...

"Worthless, Garbage, Useless, Weak, Monster" These words echo inside Prius' head relentlessly, day and night. As the days passed, he lost more and more of his sanity, began to lose hope and faith for his allies.

Sitting alone in the corner of his bed, he questioned his existence, questioned why he is born.

Is it to be punished for someone's sins?

Is to be treated as if he was nothing?

"Why? Why did they leave me?"

"Am I that stupid to even think that I still have a chance?"

"Guess I'm just weak to be well off." Prius smiled sadly.

"Why am I still alive then? Why won't they kill me already? I want to die." He said crying.

"Arjie, where are you?" Prius said staring off the window, losing hope of being rescued

"The majesty wants to see you."

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