Revolve Pt. 1: Despair

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Prius is summoned by the majesty to his headquarters in the heart of Crisom, the Golden Plaza. The Golden Plaza is the center for services such as civil, agricultural and political services. It is here where the palace of the majesty is located. The plaza is open for all townspeople except the main palace of the King where it is hidden among the forest inside the plaza. One can only enter through supervision of the military, so Prius was transported inside the castle inside a carriage. When they entered the Palace, Prius noticed that the palace was gleaming, shiny and in front of the castle there was the symbol of their Kingdom's pride; the Crimson Ruby.


The Ruby is commonly used as a symbol of pride and wealth in the borders of Crisom. Most accessories used for and outside the Kingdom are rubies, from the bracelets and earrings of the wealthy to the humongous gems placed on fountains and homes. But for the Kingdom, one specific type of ruby is used to decorate their Palaces, Crimson Rubies.

Crimson Rubies differ from the numerous types of rubies used because it gives off a warm, radiant, red glow when struck with light. With its beauty shares its durability and hardness, the ruby is the hardest ruby to even make a dent off it. The reason is that it possesses a magic that prevents it to be destroyed. Some mages use these rubies as key ingredients in staves and weapons used for magic.

In front of the Castle, there was a towering statue of the Kingdom's Marks (Markers of History), people who made the Kingdom and its culture from scratch, people who Prius do not know. Most people would be amazed on the glimmering Palace this Kingdom has, but Prius was nothing more than a prisoner preparing for his death. Fear all over his eyes and Dismay plastered on his face. Normally, Prius would find a way to escape, but after realizing all of his shortcomings and incompetence, he felt like a nuisance to everyone and accepted one more time his fate. Fate of being killed as punishment for existing.

He looked one last time to the sky, hoping for Arjie to hear him again.

"Arjie, where are you? I've waited for so long."

"I'm sorry Prius, we just can't do it," Arjie said to himself, his face looking down on the floor, scared and don't know what to do.


April came running down the hall, searching his brother to help her. Days before that, Prius kept sending the twins messages from time to time. From Prius' messages alone, they can tell that his problems only got worse and worse, so worse to the degree that it makes it difficult for the twins to just keep a silent mouth about it.

He found his brother and pulled him towards an empty room near the barracks.

"Arjie! I can't take it anymore! We must save Prius!"

"Are you crazy? This cannot be known by anyone except us and our friends!"

"But we can't just leave Prius there!" April cried out to his brother.

"Do not worry, I have a plan." Arjie said as an attempt to comfort his sister. The two may not be the most perfect of siblings, but she is still Arjie's sister. He will do anything to prevent her twin from being in despair.

"We'll rescue Prius"

Crisom Headquarters, King's Lounge

"Butler, can you fetch me a glass of wine?"

"Of course, your majesty." The butler replied after the King. The King is then staring off into the distance from his window, seeing the grandeur of his kingdom with the radiant sun off in the sky.

"One more thing my liege, the Prisoner will be arriving shortly."


"But my liege, may I ask one question?" After the butler asked permission, the King wondered why.

"Question? What is it you ask?"

"With all thou respect, why do you want to talk to a prisoner, specifically someone from Iusticia?" The King chuckled and said; "Nothing important, just something personal."

"Personal?" The butler once again asked.

"Don't worry, I'll explain to you later on."

The King's Butler then left the lounge and the King looked back to his Kingdom.

"I made a vow to rescue my son, and I'll do it whatever it costs. Only to bring back what I have lost."

The King then remembered the very night that his family was lost from him. It was a cold, quiet night, he was running with his wife and his only child who was merely a year old and being carried by her mother.

"Go ahead, leave me with the guards. I'll slow them down."

"But what about you? I can't just leave you here" his wife replied.

"Don't worry about me! Just go!" He yelled in a hurry. The mother then nodded and ran off into the woods with her son.

He then saw a group of warriors sent out to find him and his family, so he created a wall of fire to ward off the warriors.

Fire Act: Wall of Flames

A crack opens beneath the ground and a wall of fire is summoned from beneath, towering anything under 10 feet.

The wall brought him enough time to retreat and go back to his kingdom. When he arrived to his castle, he found out that her wife didn't came.

"Guards, where is my wife?"

"My King, it appears that the Queen has been killed by the Alpha Army of Iusticia."

Hearing that the King's heart broke and sunk all the way to the ground. He lost hope in a blink of an eye. His world started to fall apart, he then asked one last question to at least soothe the despair he is experiencing.

"My wife......she had our son, what happened to my son?"

The guards became silent, they don't know what to say to their king until one guard spoke up. "Our army did not found any clue on where the prince was, but they are still on undergoing investigation."

"My son was taken?!"

"P-possibly sir."

There was nothing he can do in this situation. His family, the only thing that gave him happiness, was taken from him. After the incident, no trace of the two royalties were found, later concluded that the prince was either killed or kept by the kingdom.

"Someday, I will gain justice on those who took away what I have most dear. I shall have my son back."


"Sir, here is your wine."

The butler then handed the King a glass of Black wine, the kingdom's finest and most popular wine.

"About the thing you wish to say, what is it your majesty?"

"Ah yes, about that....." The King started to tell his butler about his family and his long lost son. "The family of Acosta consists of me, the King, my Queen, and a Prince named Prius. Knowing that my son joined the army and is part of the siege, this is my opportunity to have a little reunion with him."

"I see, but may I ask, how can you persuade him to reunite with you, my King? Considering that he is raised in that kingdom for nearly 12 years."

After taking a sip from his glass of wine, He responded.

"I have seen my son's status over in Iusticia. I can convince him easily."


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