Revolve Finale: Endless Misery?

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"Join my side and we will destroy those who belittle you."

After Prius heard those words, he stared at the King for a few minutes, Cisari then heard a weak voice from Prius' withered throat, "Y-you can do that?"

The King's grin became more and more sinister. "All is possible when you're in my army." Prius already lost hope to be salvaged for ages. He experienced torture, remorse, regret, public humiliation, grave sadness and pain. Being slaughtered is the only way he thought that could save one's neck from misery. When Cisari extended his arms to Prius, his eyes started to form tears.

"What's the use of joining with you? I am what everyone says I am. Weak, pathetic, worthless."


"Why?...", Prius muttered with his head facing down before Cisari with his fist clenched and his body trembling from the emotions he felt.

"Why do you want me? I'm already set to die! Is this just your plan to make me submit to more suffering?! To just lift me up and then be devastated? To give me a false sense of hope? Enough with this and just kill me!"

His body began quivering, his tears began falling from his cheeks, and he started to grit his teeth from anger.

"Just kill me!"

"JUST KILL ME!!", Prius yelled in anger.

The Majesty stood in front of this boy, suffering and crying on his royal feet begging to be dead. "This will be easier than I would have imagined." he thought.

"Why do you think? Why do you think I want you to join my side?"

He gazed down on the weeping kid with a fake sympathetic look pasted on his face. Prius immediately became silent and still. The boy stopped quivering and his tears stopped from falling to the floor.

The boy once again looked up to the man before supremacy to ask why, why he was invited to join.

"You are very gifted and talented. You have a great potential as a soldier. People belittle you, underestimate your skills, they hinder you from displaying your true self."

"I wish to help you show the real Prius. The Prius that is not caged by people's judgement."

Prius became surprised that the supremacy of the enemy kingdom knows his name. "How does he know my name? Did he spy on me?" he wondered.

"How do you know who I am?"

Cisari looked at Prius for a moment, looked through the window.

"I know you because you are my lost son."

Prius' world became spiralling down when he heard those words. He couldn't believe that he was the son of his kingdom's rival.

"Impossible, My parents were murdered by the soldiers.", Prius retaliated in disbelief. But the King begged to differ.

"Is that so? Where did you get that from?"

"From my friends. They knew what happened to my parents. It's because of you!", he yelled while leaning towards Cisari, causing the chains to reverberate from the metal pole.

"Are you that in denial with your father? I guess I have to tell you the real story then."

Cisari then proceeds to tell Prius how he was taken from his parents. The inhumane siege of Iusticia inside Crisom territories, the loss of his mother, and the abduction of Cisari's only son.

"That still does not prove that you are my father."

"You still don't believe me? Well, will you believe it when you see this?"

He then removed the black glove from his right hand and showed hilm palm to the child.

"My Crescent.", Prius said in disbelief.


The Acosta Clan and other Fire-Act Clans naturally have emblems or "Crescents" tainted in their body. Each Clan has different emblem patterns and each member of the latter has their crescents on various parts of their bodies.

"How can that be....Impossible!"

"I believe you have the same crescent on your right elbow. Am I right?"

Prius immediately lost his words, he cannot believe that the one who ordered his people to torture him, is HIS father. But why? Why would he do all of this? If I am really his son, why would he make me so miserable, so painful?

"Why? Why are you doing all of this then? If I am really your son, you would never want to see your son suffer. But what do we see? You, you are the one who caused all of this! The pain, all of the suffering, YOU DID THIS TO ME!"

"Should it be your friends who you must blame?", Cisari asked his son.

"Look at everything they did to you. They disgust you, belittle you, and treat you like dirt. Think about it for a moment. They didn't care for you when you were about to die, they left you when your team attacked inside the kingdom, they didn't even save you even when you begged them."

"What do you think about that? Your 'friends' left you to suffer and die."

"That's not true..."

"No, that's no-"

"My son, I am here to prote-"

"NO!!! STOP IT!!!"

Prius pulled and pulled the chains from his hands to relentlessly try to escepe. More tears came falling down his face and more and more he became denial.

He hears more voices screaming the same word over and over again.

"Useless. Useless. USELESS! USELESS!!"

"My son, join my side. Join my side and we will devour those who stands in your way."

"He is right. He was right all along."

The more and more his father encouraged him, the more he accepts it all. They left him to die, they left him to suffer. His father was right. Now, he is filled with anger and hatred. Hatred to all of his friends.

"You're right all along. They pushed me to the ground. Now, they have to pay for it."

"What do you say Prius? Care to join me?"

"Of course, father."

His eyes changed colors, from the old happy and care-free hazel brown to a dark, bloody crimson red only filled with hatred.

"That's it my son. Now, we have some planning to do."

Meanwhile in Iusticia, Axis Castle


"What was that noise?", Arjie asked

"The Bell of Great Disaster, why did that rang?!!!", Valemar wondered in shock.

"An ill omen..."

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