1. A different beginning.

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*MY FIRST FANFICTION SORRY IF IT'S BAD. I have some bad grammar too so I'm sorry if my word choice is awful.* (also the art is by _thlboi_) Or here: https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Qcjg2D6Ll/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet

Marinette thought that she should, well, go to school early today!

Just for a change. She heads downstairs, grabs her breakfast and makes a mess- I mean, and she's off to school!

If she's not late, then who will save Master Fu? Is he gonna die?

Meanwhile, Luka was going to a different school than he was originally going to. His school shut down temporarily because there had been a shooting at that school.

Even though it's temporary, his mum decided that it'll be safer if he switched had schools completely. So now he's going to Françoise Dupont High School.

"LUKA! We're going to be late! I've been waiting for you for- 15 minutes!" Juleka shouted, even though she was right in front of his room. "OKAY OKAY! It's not my fault that your school starts earlier than mine! I'm used to being able to wake up a little bit later!" Luka shouts back.

"That is not a good excuse, now hurry up!"

Luka just sighs. His school does start 10 minutes later. He misses it.

Anyways, he grabs his bag and goes out.

"Finally!" Juleka says as she sighs in relief "Now, we're still gonna be late for school if we don't hurry up!" She says while she tugs Luka out of the houseboat and rushes to school.

"I can walk you know."

"Shut up! It'll be quicker if we run!"

Luka let's go of Juleka's hand and says "Really, I can walk. Not a problem if I'm late since it is my first day"

"Alright if you say so. But if you do get in trouble, don't blame it on me." Juleka replies.

So as Juleka rushes to school, Luka walks to school. Following Juleka until he eventually lost her. He sighs and continues walking.

Sooner or later, he saw an old man crossing the street very slowly. As the old man crosses the road, a car was about to drive straight into him!

Luckily, he pulls him across so that he doesn't get hit. "Sir! Are you alright?" Luka says, out of breath thinking he would just see someone die in front of his eyes.

"I'm alright. Thank you." He replies. "No problem sir. Just be more careful next time okay?" Luka responds. "I will." The old man says while nodding. "Okay, now I've got to go otherwise I'll be late for school! Goodbye!" Luka says, then he starts sprinting.

The old man chuckles, before saying "Goodbye young man." While he holds the miraculous box.


*y'all know what happens to Adrien so let's skip that...*

Luka arrives, a little bit later than Marinette. Luka sits down in the front row. (Nino stayed at the back row btw)

When he sees that Marinette, Chloe, and Sabrina are arguing about seats, he stands up planning to stop them when Chloe says "What are you doing black-blueberry? You are to pretty to be involved in this."

"Well then, you're saying you're not pretty enough so that's why you're getting in an argument with me?" Marinette fights back as Luka chuckles.

"UGHH! FINE! You get this seat! At least I can look beside me and see that my Adrikin's sitting there." As Chloe finishes her sentence, she goes over to Alya's seat and removes her from it.

Cause Alya would much prefer sitting with Marinette than having a chance to sit with either of them. Marinette thanks Luka for saving her seat and chats with Alya. Meanwhile, Luka didn't even get to process anything.

"A-Adrien's gonna sit here? When? Where? HOW?"
Luka says in his mind as he nods at Marinette thanking him and sits down.


He was sad after Adrien didn't get to come at all. He had been a really big fan after Jagged Stone mentioned him and said that Adrien's modeling was great.
*after Ivan got akumatized* _________________________________________________________

A slight difference - LukadrienWhere stories live. Discover now