3. Just A Normal Day

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Sooooo........ yeah. You get everything from the title, just a normal day in their life. No Akumas and such, but they still have their kwamis. I hope you enjoy!

Luka woke up in the morning feeling drowsy, as usual. (ISN'T EVERYONE'S MORNING LIKE THIS?!) It's only a couple of days since he got Plagg. He hasn't gotten used to the fact that every morning he will wake up to the sound a cat's purr.

He checks the clock, 7:12. The usual time he gets ready. So he gets up and takes a shower, then he checks the time again, 7:28.

Luka is kinda terrified of waking Plagg up. He's one of those kinds, that wake up super grumpy because someone disturbs their sleep. Wouldn't you feel scared if a "thing" gets super irritated at you to the fact that he could cataclysm/obliterate you anytime?

But he always wakes Plagg up, and he always gets greeted with a grunt.

"C'mon, wake up. You said you wanted to listen to the song I created this morning." He says to the kwami.

Plagg grunts before he says, "When did I say that?" As a yawn escapes his mouth.

"Uhh, yesterday?"

"Meh, play it for me when I try to sleep." Plagg replies. But lucky for him, Luka's song was a soothing song, slow and calm.

Plagg instantly falls asleep... that means he hasn't even gotten past 10 seconds. But Luka continues anyway.

Luka would just play until his sister called him for breakfast. Then he'd have to wake up Plagg again. Well, it could go 2 ways. Plagg gets up and eats cheese in Luka's jacket pocket. Or Luka just lets Plagg sleep and get him later. 

This time Plagg gets up and goes with Luka to the breakfast table, in Luka's secret pocket of course.

"Hey Luka, why do you always smell like cheese?" Juleka askes Luka.

"I've just eaten it too much and now the smell is on my body." Luka answers. He is a pretty good lier, plus he's doing this for his and his family's safety.

"Didn't you take a shower 30 minutes ago?"

"Ah! You caught me! I ate some cheese before breakfast!" Luka says.

"Oi, ya know it' fine to eat whateva you like. I might have to buy some more cheese for ya." Anarka says to Luka. This always made Luka feel bad since he was lying to his family, but this is for their safety.

"Yeah thanks, mom."

"Really, who thought you would take a liking to cheese!" Juleka says.

They talked about it, eventually, Luka changed the subject since he hated talking about it.

After breakfast, they packed their bags and went out of the houseboat. Luka always stayed behind Juleka to talk to Plagg.

"Thanks for saving my butt, blue boy," Plagg says, kinda muffled since he was inside Luka's jacket.

"No problem, but you-"

"Ay, Luka! Who are you talking to?" Juleka says as Luka jumps, surprised.

"Myself. Sorry Jules, I tend to do that a lot."

"It's fine, but we've got to hurry up! C'mon!" Juleka says as she grabs Luka's wrist and tugs him.

"We're almost near the school! You don't have to tug me!" Luka replies

"Oh well, here we are!"



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