26 ~ Best Day

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"This is my one of the best birthday gift ever in my life, thanks gukkie" tae says truly from the heart.

Guk smiles softly as he doesn't know what to say.

"Shall we go back?" guk asks tae instantly backs away from him and sits comfortably on the tank "No, let's stay here until the sunrise. I never watch the sunrise and moonset, it's a great opportunity for me" says with his shining eyes.

📢 Their sitting positions 👇 imagine without helmet and cap, both are wearing leather jacket 📢

📢 Their sitting positions 👇 imagine without helmet and cap, both are wearing leather jacket 📢

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"No, it's cold here. I can't stay.." tae cuts him with a small whine "No, I can gukkie, please please"



"No, you might catch a cold"

"No, I'm stron.." tae stops and changed the word when he gets a sharp gaze "I mean I'm not a that weak person"

"Whatever my answer is NO"

"But I still want you" tae instantly covers his mouth, because that's the truth he wants to stay with the person who is standing in front of him with a little bit of love in his stone heart.

Guk took a few seconds before saying "Okay".

Minutes passed, tae gritted his teeth to control the little shivering and even under gloved hand inside his pocket he can feel the coldness, but guk noticed it "Still you want to stay here?" tae nods with his little shivering body.

"Do you feel cold?" tae asked slowly, guk shakes his head with crossed hands.

Minutes passed, tae moves forwarded a little bit as casually, guk noticed it but kept silent.

Minutes passed, again tae moved front with a casual talk "The position is not comfortable" guk doesn't say anything again.

Minutes passed, both are changing their glance whenever they meet like it was an accident. But both are stealing each other's starring now and then. Tae wants badly into guk's warmth, but he's in shy move his first move even though he moves many steps down towards him. But he doesn't know the other is fighting with his tempting hormones.

"Do you really don't feel cold, gukkie?" tae asks again, gets the same head-shaking answer.

Guk removes his jacket and covers the shivering skinny body "But you will get.." cuts him "I'm not weak like you, I can handle" with that zips the jacket, tae pouted a lips little sadly "You can give the jacket without saying that too" murmured between his cute pouty lips "What?" "I'm not a weak person like you think okay?" says little loudly in his cute anger.

"I'm gonna see that too"

"If I catch a cold, you are the reason"

"How could I be the reason for your stubborn attitude?"

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