This is my 2nd Book.
V ~ "I just want someone that who really loves me and who do not loves for my external beauty just loves me looking inside of my heart, who respects my decision and my career. And he should know about music so th...
OMG 6760+ WORDS!!! I think this is my first very long chapter. By the way, thank you so much for whoever focusing on my every chapter's header pic too. And someones finds the connection between the picture and that particular chapter. Your simple notify lots to me. So I'm damn happy about it. Thank you for y'all kind support guys. Your lolita and Idiot will be back in few more chapters I think!!!
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~ Sin 💜
⏮ time skip @ 3 months later ⏭
Now tae pregnant with 4 months of baby. After their last conversation at guk's place, tae doesn't meet him. But guk didn't stop going and belling the penthouse. Tae locked himself until jin comes to his room and confirm that guk left. Jin started to staying at the penthouse for taking care of tae by 24/7. Tae becomes more skinny, because of pregnancy effects he lost his weights. So jinnie decided to stay with tae and gives all the healthy foods preferred by gianna. But nothing worked with tae, he will vomit the next minute. Only few of foods allowed him to eat, I mean the baby agreed to take it from his MAMA.
"Please babe, try this only once" jin gives him a glass of fresh juice.
Tae shakes his head in tired "No jinnie, I can't. I would vomit" pushed the glass other side and lays his head on the table.
"You becomes very weak babe, you need to drink at least for your baby"
Tae lifts up his head very slowly like it's hella weight, jin takes the glass and extended to tae's face with a cheerful smile, "Come on, hmmm" tae sighs and takes it from him.
🍹 First sip fine..
🍹 Second sip okay.. fine..
🍹 Third.. "Woakkkkkk"
⏮ time skip @ 15 minutes later ⏭
"Yah, why you can't let your mommy to have a single glass of juice, huh? He wants to eat at at least for you. Why you can't understand that, huh? Answer me? Answer me little naughty beauty.." tae giggles at jin's cute talking with his little unborn baby while sipping the banana milk.
"Do you know how much of a variety of food I'm cooking for you both, but you guys are just 'woaking' it, huh? How dare you? Mind it naughty beauty you're 'woaking' the very delicious food in the world" tae giggles again while finishing the bottle of banana milk.
"I don't know what did you find that tasty in this simple banana milk, naughty beauty. Your mommy is not that much of a likable person to drink in this kind of drinks. You are forcing him naughty beauty please stop it and start to accept my cooking" tae laughs softly before place the empty bottle on the table.
"I don't think he will listen to you, jinnie. Don't waste your energy" tae said and gets up, walks toward the comfy sofa to sit comfortably.
"Who told I'm wasting my energy, actually I'm gaining it through talking with my naughty beauty. And stop addressing the baby 'he' we don't know yet, who knows the baby might be a girl. So stop addressing my naughty beauty, okay?" jin doesn't want to tae get hurt if the baby is a girl, because tae believes 300% the baby is a boy.