42 ~ Hold Me Tight

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Tae P.O.V:

⏮️ time info @ same day, UK ⏭️

"Mama, what you are holding?"

I just keep silent and get scared of how he will react, as a mother I don't think I can get cruel punishment than this.



"Do.. Do you.. Do you.." closed my eyes and exhales deeply 💭 Come on tae you're the one done to them, now you should have to face it either 💭

"Mama, are you okay?" I opened my eyes when I felt the soft little hand tapping on my left cheek, I smiled at him to calm down my nervous "Yeah, my babe" hold his little hand and chu on it softly.

"Do you want to meet your papa?" I carefully trying to read his facial expression, his eyebrows were knitted in confusion "Pappaaa?!" I nods slowly and gives the photocard to him. His eyes were went sharpen to read carefully 💭 Please jeong don't ask who is he, please, please, please 💭

"Papa" his eyes are shining in happy, and smiling brightly with chubby bread cheeks, chu on his papa then hugs the photocard tightly.

"Are we going to meet my papa?"

I nods with my happy tears, he throws himself onto me, wraps his small hands around my neck tightly with the photocard "Love you, mama" chu on my cheek and hugs again. I can feel how happy he is and how cruel I done to them, "Love you too jeong, love you too. Mama is sorry, sorry for everything"

"Mammaaa, stop crying. Come let's meet papa" he wiped away my tears and trying to drag me out.

"Jeong, he's not here" he instantly stopped "What?! Then where? There?" pointing at the window and mentioning the opposite building "That wasn't seems very long mama, we can go within 5 minutes, come" again he trying to drag me "No, jeong. He's not in the UK, he is in Seoul" "Seoul?!" I just nods "Then let's go to Seoul. Seoul, Seoul, Seoul"


⏮️ time skip @ hours passed ⏭️

"Mama, pack this one" jeong throws his favourite iron man toy on the bed and nearby the large bag to where tae packing his and jeong's clothes and necessities.

"And this one too" throws iron man pillow, "This one, this one, this, this," throws his all the toys "Jeong, we can't take everything for now" tae trying to let him understand but jeong is another level, he is in over excited to meet his papa, so whatever tae telling him just faded in the air.

The final of jeong's stuff he drags his new gift bicycle to tae "Here mama, this is the final one pack it"

Tae sighs as he's done with him "Jeong"

Jeong climbs on his bed, and sighs in tired "I'm done, mama. Wake me up when you're done" fall on the bed with a soft thud.

Tae shooks his head while glancing his bed filled with all of jeong's toys it made him to rewind the scene of guk mess up with his stuff whenever he packing. Tae's heart suddenly beating faster, his eyes side glancing at the place of where had yoongi mentioned the hidden camera. He instantly turned back as he doesn't care about someone watching them or maybe not. But his heart beating like his gukkie is watching him.

Finally tae finished packing, with some of their clothes and few of jeong's most favourite toys. He hides many of toys before jeong wake up. But he can't hide the bicycle, while thinking his eyes landed on something, that really close to his heart for some reason.

 But he can't hide the bicycle, while thinking his eyes landed on something, that really close to his heart for some reason

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