A strange meeting

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Im (Y/N) i have 19 years old, as part of my studies at the university, I decided to leave for a year in England to perfect my English, as an absolute fan of the Beatles, I obviously chose the University of Liverpool. I absolutely wanted to immerse myself in this city that gave birth to my favorite band.
I managed to find a roommate in a big house with 3 other foreign students, there is Luna who is Spanish, Michelle is French, Eline is Dutch, we have about the same age, and the same passions, especially with Michelle, who owes her name to her mother who is also a Beatles fan.

All saturday night we like to go together to the Cavern Club, mythical place to listen to new bands and have a drink and meet lots of new people.
After a great new evening, we go home, and I go to bed listening as usual my playlist with all the Beatles albums by looking at their pictures, on different social networks, especially the photos of Ringo who's just the man of my dreams at any era, I also love to read fanfictions especially the smut ones with Ringo, until I fall asleep.

I wake up slowly with the presence of human warmth at my side and a sweet scent of cologne with musk mixed with the smell of tobacco, I gently open my eyes and I see a young Ringo sleeping peacefully at my side, even more beautiful than in my usual dreams. He opens in turn his beautiful blue baby eyes, I literally melted of love, my God that this dream looks so real! I don't want to wake up, and he says with his beautiful deep voice:

"Damn, I should'nt drink so much, I can't remember how I ended up in the bed of such pretty bird"

WHAT? Wait a minute it's not a dream, I open my eyes wide and I get up with a start, dead with fear, he looks at me with big astonished eyes, and there I turn my head and I see lying on the floor of my room Paul, John and George, I think I'm going to faint, I didn't drink much last night, and I don't take drugs, what is this shit, they wake up slowly and there I start screaming and crying, shouting their names, and repeating that it's impossible, and that i need to wake up. John looks at me amused.

"wow I know I'm used to make girls shout, but not at this point, especially since we aren't very famous yet"

And they start all 4 to laugh.

"Not famous yet??? You're just the biggest rock band of all time, and you tell me you're not famous?"

Paul laughingly replies that they're quite popular in Liverpool, but not the best rock band in the world at the moment.
My roommates worried, quickly get into my bedroom.

"what's going on? And what are these 4 boys doing in your room, when did you bring them back?" 

"This 4 boys?, Are you kiding me, Michelle?? You don't recognize them?"

"Huuum sorry, but no..."

"Wow, Michelle what a lovely name and nice outfit" says Paul!

It was summer and we had only very light pajamas, which didn't hide much of our bodies. But in 2019 it wasn't indecent, which wasn't the case in their time, hence their amazed looks.


She said, embarrassed by his insistent gaze, which undressed her from head to foot.
George said

"see, we arn't so famous yet, your friends didn't know us, you're must be a crazy fan"

"Ok, ok it must be a fucking prank, where is the camera? Congratulations, girls you found great look-alikes, very similar by the way, but that's it, all the good jokes have an end"

"You've gone crazy (Y/N) or did you take drugs last night?"

Luna told me worried. I rolled my eyes, searching for my phone under my pillow.

"Wtf is that thing?" asks me Ringo.

"A phone... you brought guys as nut as you to what I see" Said Eline.

"Im not crazy and im gonna prove it, it's all of you, who're nuts!"

And then, no more Beatles playlist on my phone, no more pictures, and no more of their posters on my walls.
I do a quick search on google, and nothing about the Beatles, nothing, I start crying again, i didnt understand about what's going on.
Ringo look at my phone like a small kid who discovers the world.

"Wait a minute, love, why there's this date on your weird phone"

"Because we are in 2019, August 23, what year do you think we are?"

"What the hell, are you fucking kiding us" said John really afraid.

"We're in August, 23, 1962, we were at a party last night organized by our manager, to celebrate the arrival of our new drummer, and we have to record our first record in a few days" sais Paul.

Im trying to calm down, and explain to them as quietly as possible that something really strange is happening.

"Really, guys, just look at us, look at the style of the room, my phone, our clothes, our hairstyles, do you really get to see that in 1962?"

"And girls, look at them, do they really look like to boys of 2019?"

Ringo pulled out a cigarette pack from the pocket of his jacket, lighting a cigarette with an old vintage lighter.

"See, look at the pack, the lighter it no longer exists in our time"

"I must admit that they seem to have come from another time, says Michelle"

"but they come from another time, what Paul has just said is true, the first official Beatles concert with Ringo at the Cavern Club was on August 22, 1962, why am I the only one to remember them?"

"we should really stop drinking so much, what are we doing here, how did we get in 2019, what is this shit?" said George panicked.

"I really don't know how you made it to land here, but we must find a way to get you back to your era, otherwise no more Beatles, and impossible for me to imagine a life without listening to your music."


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