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I took one last look at my friends as a sign of approval, then I took Ringo in my arms kissing him.

"of course I'm coming with you, I don't know what's waiting for me in the 60's, but I'd love to share your life."

He was overjoyed. He hugged me so hard, lifting me from the ground, that I thought he was going to grind my bones.

"I love you so much (Y / N)"

"I love you too Richie, how could I live without you?"

I hugged Luna and Michelle tightly.

"I'll miss you girls."

"We'll miss you too, I hope everything will happen as you wish" said Michelle

"Everything will be the way she wants, enjoy your life darling, and we'll see each other again in 2019 when you'll be an old grandmother" laughing Luna.

Ringo took my hand and we entered the cabin, we were all 5 pretty scared about whether it was going to work or not, and especially if the scientist wasn't going to make another mistake by sending us anywhere.
I finally waved a last goodbye to my friends.
Then the scientist informed us that he was going to start the machine, he counted backwards. The doors closed, the cabin shook, and went dark.

I opened my eyes, I was lying on a bed, I recognized my room that had changed a lot, no doubt we were in the 60s. I turned my head and I saw Ringo who still held my hand, who awoke gently in turn, I couldn't believe that I had changed times, and especially that he was officially my man. He hugged me, and said:

"you took care of us when we were lost in 2019, now it's my turn to take care of you, I'll always be there for you (y/n) I love you."

Afterwards, he introduced me to his mother Elsie, and his father-in-law, who welcomed me as a daughter, we lived at their home at first, then we got married discreetly because Brian thought it was better for sales, and I also thought it was better not to be too exposed to the media.

I also spent a lot of time with John's wife Cynthia, who was also a hidden woman. Later, as I got along rather well with everyone and especially Brian, he proposed me to become his assistant and help him to manage the various tours, which allowed me to stay close to my husband, without being always stuck to him.

knowing in advance that they would stop touring in 1966, I waited for that moment to finally start a family, I preferred that Ringo be more present to enjoy the children and not have to raise them alone, we had 2 children, a boy and a girl, when the band broke up, it was a little bit difficult, Ringo feeling a little useless, began to drink more and more regularly, it was the period of his life that I dreaded the most, but finally as we was a rather stable couple, and with lot of love he picked himself up, we approached the 80s, one day he received the scenario of "caveman" I had confidence in him, but also a little bit scared of his meeting with Barbara, I knew she was a very beautiful woman, but finally the script didn't interest him, whew!

Came the terrible day of December 8, 80, I phoned John to make sure he hadn't forgotten the date, finally he went through the back door to go to the studio while asking for security, searched the man I had described to him, who had a weapon on him! John was safe, thank you God.

His marriage with Yoko was no longer working, he divorced some time later, realizing then that he still loved Cynthia, he returned with her for the greatest pleasure of all, the boys reconciled themselves definitively, they had the project of getting back together and making new albums and tours, which was done in addition to their solo career, George had long since stopped smoking, he was taking care of his health, Paul had the same life as my first era.

My Ringo, who wasn't athletic at all and who loved good bloody steaks, became a gym addict and a vegetarian. He also stopped his 60 cigarettes a day. The first time he started using Tweeter made me laugh, he wanted me to show him how to do emojis, as I had taught him in my previous era.

"See, I told you that one day you'll stop the cigarettes and start tweeting broccoli"

We're finally in 2019, I am a granny of 76 years, who tries despite everything to appear as young and as hot as his magnificent husband who seems 50 when he's almost 80, I can't believe that we have already 57 years of wedding, and still be as much in love as the first day, despite my apprehensions, he has always been a wonderful loving husband, and a very good father.

The Beatles, well... They're going very well, they're all 4 hot grandpas who have just celebrated together the 50 years of their most legendary album "Abbey Road" to the greatest joy of their fans of all ages. I can't thank enough the destiny and the error of this scientist for all this, and for this wonderful life that I lived alongside the man I love who was my idol formerly.

 I can't thank enough the destiny and the error of this scientist for all this, and for this wonderful life that I lived alongside the man I love who was my idol formerly

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