Back in time

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The scientist finally arrives, and presents himself to us.

"Hello I am Mr Trippet, I am a physicist astro, I will explain everything to you, please enter"

We're entering a kind of mad scientist's laboratory, there are several blackboards with mathematical formulas, piles of gadgets, books and in the back of the room a kind of large cabin the size of a lift I imagine it's the famous machine.

"I'll explain everything to you, I've been waiting for you for a long time already"

"for a long time, I only called you yesterday"

"Let me explain everything from the beginning, as I told you I am a physicist, and I discovered the way to travel in time, I took a lot of time to imagine and build my machine and make it work, 2 days ago I wanted to test it, I wanted to tell you that I am a big fan of the Beatles, since your begining. "

"Do you know who they are? Oh that's so good not to be the only one"

"Of course I know who they are, it's a great honor for me to meet you," he said, looking at the boys.

"So as a big fan, I decided for my first trip to go on August 22, 1962 to attend your first official concert with Ringo, so I arrived in 1962, but after a bad adjustment, there is had a spatio temporal exchange and you landed in 2019 at the same place where you were."

"You realize what you did, we were ready to make our dream come true, record our first album and you ruined everything," John told him furiously.

"No, no I'll take you back to the exact moment you left, no one will notice your departure."

"and who tells us, that you're not going to make a new set-up error again and send us I don't know where, "George said, glancing at him.

"It's impossible, the first time I was so excited to test the machine, that I didn't pay attention to this error, but this time everything is under control, I'll explain everything to you. The machine is actually a sort of "box that moves back and forth through space and time", in a circular motion. The mathematical model has been named Traversable Acausal Retrograde Domain in Space-Time, TARDIS, the same name as Doctor Who's Time Machine."

"Who's Dr who??" Says Paul.

"Wait, you're telling us that you based your invention on a TV series, seriously," Luna said.

"not quite, it's just a wink to the series. "The trick" is to use the curvature of space-time in the Universe to "bend time" so as to form in a time circle. A passenger  in the time box could then advance in the future and go back. The mathematical model is based on the idea that we should no longer look at the Universe with one side three spatial dimensions, and on the other a fourth time dimension, but rather that we must imagine these four dimensions working simultaneously . This makes it possible to consider the possibility of a space-time continuum where the different directions in space and in time are all connected to each other."

He continued for a moment his explanation, which was only half understood, but he seemed confident of what he was doing!

"And why am I the only one to remember them in this dimension? I understand that they can't exist, if they arn't in the 60s, but I can't understand why me?"

"Really, i don't know why, i can't explain it..."

"See, it's fate that brought us together" Ringo said to me smiling.

"wait, I hope you haven't revealed anything of the future that could change the course of history "

"Oh yes, of course I did it, and I hope the story'll change, as a Beatles fan you can't be against this change! if it saves John and maybe George"

"yes, you score a point."

I have one last question, if I ever wanted to go with them, what would happen to my family and friends?

"It's very simple, only the people here will be able to remember you, everyone else will have no memory of you, since you'll not be a 19 year old young lady in 2019."

"Not so simple since you can't tell me why I'm the only one who can remember them, there may still be another surprise."

"maybe, maybe not... another questions?... no, so we can start "

I had my stomach knotted, anxiety began to rise, I still didn't know what to do, on one side see the love of my life disappear forever and continue to phantasm on him with having had the chance to know him or to take the risk of following him and see what life has in store for us, with all the advantages but also the disadvantages mentioned by Michelle.

Luna said goodbye to the boys, then gave George and John a big hug,

"I'll miss you, it was really nice last night, too bad I was too drunk, otherwise I would take good care of both of you, maybe next time"

"How sad, we'll miss you too Luna," said John and George.

Michelle also said goodbye to the boys, embarrassed she kissed Paul on the cheek.

"it was really a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is shared ma belle Michelle"

And he kissed her on the mouth. she was redder than ever.

Mr. Trippet made his last adjustments on the machine, the boys were ready to leave, my head was spinning, my throat tight.

Before entering the machine they turned to me to see what I was going to do. Ringo who was as stressed as me, took my hand and told me:

"Have  you take your decision (y / n), do you come with me, and give me the pleasure of sharing my life?"


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