meanwile 2nd

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Only George, John, Eline and Luna remained in the living room. After having a last drink, Eline went to bed, it was a pretty serious and reserved girl, it was a month that she had just met her boyfriend, during one of our evenings at the cavern club and he came often to see her.

Luna was her opposite, she was a party girl, who liked to go out and collect boys, she was warm-blooded and had no taboo.

"It seems that everyone has gone to have fun except Eline who's always so serious, are you tired, boys?"

"Not really, I'm still a little bit shocked by everything I've learned today,"
says John

"Same for me," says George

"Don'y worry guys, now that you know it, you can change everything when you'll be back! Now let's have fun too, im gonna put some music  to give intimacy to the lovebirds, and we're going to play a funny little game."

She came back with a bottle of Manzana and 3 shot's glasses.

"What is this? Says John.

"It's a spanish apple liquor, it's really tasty and sweet. So we're gonna play to a new sort of truth or dare game.
The first player has to tell a truth, (a real truth) on their behalf, beginning with the sentence: "I never ..." For example, "I never slept with my mother ". If it happens that one of the players has already slept with his mother, he must drink his glass."

"Ahaha sounds funny" says George.

"Ok so let's start, i begin. I have never been physically attracted to someone of the same sex"

George and John drink their glasses.

"Aaaw really guys? Tell me more?"

" i must to admit that i have already look at Paul's ass even if im not queer" says John.

"Same here with Ringo, im not queer either but I find him attractive"

"Ahah, yeah they're pretty attractive, and its not my 2 friends who would say otherwise, seen the good time they're going through."

"Yeah they're pretty loud" says John.

"It's your turn John"

"Ok, i have never had a threesome"

Luna taken a drink, they both look at her with wide-eyed eyes.

"And so what guys, come on, we're in 2019, now women can have fun without to be a whore"

"Have you done it many times? George said.

"yes 2 or 3 times, it's your turn George"

"Hmmm ok, i've never suck a cock"

Luna taken another drink.

"Ahaha very funny, George, it's not fair, you want me to drink all the bottle alone"

"Not at all, love, but it's a funny game"

"be careful, I'm going to avenge, its my turn, i have never fuck a pussy"

Boys both taken drink.
They continue to play a little until they get really tired and drunk, they lie on the sofa bed, Luna slipped between John and George and kissed them one after the other.

"Thanks Luna, you really made us have a good time," says John.

And they fell asleep all 3 entwined, they were too drunk to do anything else.

The next morning, I wake up gently, in the arms of Ringo. He was really handsome, I often phantased looking at his pictures, but none was as beautiful as reality, and I couldn't help but stay a moment to admire him, then kiss him, he opened his eyes.

"Hello Love"

"hello, cute little bean, I have to take a shower"

"can I join you?"

"yes, of course come"

We had to go into the living room, to go to the bathroom, and I saw Luna well surrounded. Ringo whispered in my ear:

"We aren't the only ones to have had a good time it seems!"

"ahaha we are used to this kind of situation with Luna."

Then we went into the bathroom, turned on the water and undressed.

"you're so fucking gorgeous (y / n), i love you!"

"love you more, Richie, you're really handsome too"

Then I took his hand to go under the water, he pressed me against the wall of the shower and he made love to me with passion, the feeling of the warmth of the hot water on our bodies was really fantastic. I was really addicted to this man. After we have finished showering and dressing, we went back to the living room where almost everyone was awake.

I was a little embarrassed cause I wasn't really discreet last night.
But how else to do with a sex god like Ringo in my bed. While i was going to kitchen to prepare breakfast, Luna and Eline joins me to help me, then Luna laughs at me.

"so you had a good night?"

"As good as yours," I said with a wink.

"oh no for once I stayed wise, i was too drunk."

"But I saw you half-dressed among the boys, it's not you who moaned as loud as me tonight?"

"Hmm no, it was our little Michelle."

"No way, i can't believe it, she did it with Paul?"

"as you can see it's the only two missing in the living room ..."

"But she already have a boyfriend"
says Eline.

"And so what, she's right, she's young and her boyfriend is miles away, you should get a little more fun,"
Said Luna, tapping Eline's butt.

"you're so crazy my poor Luna "
she says Rolling her eyes.

We brought breakfast to the living room, Paul was out of Michelle's room, and she must have been in the shower. The boys were laughing at each other and must telling each other about their crazy night, I served them, and Ringo grabbed me by the waist and sat me on his lap, kissing me. Michelle came out of the bathroom, a little embarrassed joined us, doing as if nothing had happened, they smiled at each other, not like Ringo and I who spent most of the breakfast to kissing. I had never been so happy in my life, and I really wanted to enjoy him before he left and resume the course of our lives.

It was time to get ready to leave, a long day was waiting to send the boys home, we had to go to London to meet this scientist.

It was time to get ready to leave, a long day was waiting to send the boys home, we had to go to London to meet this scientist

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