London (smut)

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++++++++++++hot smut++++++++++++
+++++++++Adult content+++++++++++

After we had finished preparing, the time came to leave. to get to London, to finally meet the scientist who will perhaps bring our 4 lads home.

Luna and Michelle came with us because they were really attached to them, Eline stayed home, because she had to see her boyfriend, she said goodbye to the boys, then we started to go to the station from Lime Street, to catch a train going to London. The boys were impressed by the station change. The train arrived and we got on board, there was a lot of free seats, so we could regroup.

Ringo looks anxious, his gaze lost when he looks at the landscape parade through the window, he was terribly sexy when he sulked, I asked him softly if it was ok.

"yes, yes it goes ... mmm actually not too much ..."

"What's wrong?" "Arn't you happy to be able to come home?"

"Yes, yes, but ... I want you to come with me, if it ever works."

"I don't know yet Ringo, I love you more than anything, and I'll dream to come with you, but as I told you yesterday, it's not that simple."

"why (y / n)?"

"Because I have my parents, even if I live far away from them, and we are not very close, I can't disappear like that from their lives.

"I understand, but I really want to be with you."

"Also I don't know, it's embarrass me to shake up your life so much, in 2019 you already have a beautiful woman, talented children. I don't want to take all that away."

"But I don't want another women than you, if we have landed at your house and you're the only one to remember us, it may be the fate that have reunite us"

My god, he was so cute with his beautiful blue eyes and that pouting look, I wanted to hug him and cover him with kisses, he really had the power to look as innocent as a little boy and be terribly manly and sexy at the same time.

"Maybe... but what'll i do, when you'll be on tour for long time all over the world, without knowing anyone"

"You'll come with me, you'll always be with me .."

"Oh no, please, i don't want to be a 2nd Yoko Ono, always stuck to the ass of her husband..."

"Yoko..who??" He says laughing.

"Ahah, you'll know her yet"

"Is it my wife?"

"No, no, not yours, thanks god, otherwise i wouldn't have hesitated so much to come with you"

"Please, (y/n) come with me."

"We'll see, really im a little bit lost for the moment"

"Maybe this will help you to decide,"

He kissed me and slipped his hand inside my jeans, then in my panties.

"stop, you're crazy not here everyone will see us"

"Are you sure you want me to stop,"

He whispered in my ear as he stroked my clit and tucked a finger inside me, then 2. I grabbed his arm, kissing him and arching my back to let him go further, with his free hand, he took his jacket to cover me, and continue to fingering me harder and harder by arching his fingers to touch my spot, while kissing me.

"You must come with me, you can't deprive me of this little cunt so tight"

"Oh, Richie, im close."

"I can feel it, love."

He continued harder, I cum on his fingers in silence lost in his kiss.

"Good girl, I know you'll make the right decision,"

He gently pulling his hand away. He got up to wash his hands, Luna, who had noticed our little game, came and sat next to me, laughing.

"It's ok, you're all red? "

I rolled my eyes, smiling at her.

"yes, yes, it's okay, I'm a little bit lost in fact, I don't know what to do, Ringo would like me to come back with him if the scientist gets them back home, but I don't know..."

"If i was you, I'll not hesitate, believe me I knew a bunch of guys, but like this one, you'll not find two, darling."

"I know, but I don't have the right to disturb his life, and my family"

"you only call once a month your parents, even when you were in (your city) you didn't see them that much, and if he remembers everything, on his way back home, his life will be already disturbed, and you in what state are you going to be when he'll disappears from your life."

"devastated, I think..."

"So, what's wrong with you, go with him, or you will regret it all your life, if he's as famous as you tell me in our era, I don't even imagine the number of girls who would sell their soul to the devil to be at your place."

"ohh ... a lot ... i know ..."

I saw Ringo come back, he sat down with the boys to do a card game, and Michelle joined us.

"What are you talking about?"

I explained the situation.

"I understand you, you're right to think about all this, then if he's super famous, as you say, he'll spend his life on tour, surrounded by thousands of girls, while you wait for him, like a desperate ..."

"Yes, it's true..."

"And what'll you do if he finds another girl there, and he drops you, you'll get stuck and alone in the 60's?"

"yes I know, it's for all that reason that I hesitate too."

"Aw, Michelle, you always break the mood, you're so pessimistic, who tells you he'll cheat on her."

"you dreaming, silly girl, until today, the life of the rock stars is "sex, drugs and rock'n'roll .." you, who know everything about his life, you know if he has already cheated his wife ? "

"The first yes, the second I don't think so..."

"Oh, and in addition he had several women, if you leave with him, you can be sure of finding yourself with a lot of trouble,for the moment, he's still cute and innocent, but wait, let him taste the celebrity, and it'll be over for you..."

"How boring you are, Michelle, "said Luna, seeing me close to tears.

"and speaking of celebrity, can we talk about your night with Paul ... oh oh yes Paul, please, it's good "

"hush, shut up, it was just for fun, it's been a long time since I saw my boyfriend, I was a little lacking, but from there to flee with him and give up my life, never..."

We finally reach London, which was even more impressive for the boys, especially the subway, it was totally different from what they knew, in the 60's. We finally arrived at the scientist's, his secretary made us wait in a room, while waiting for him to arrive, we were all a little stressed, Ringo squeezed my hand, and I took him in my arms until the scientist finally received us...

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