A special day

175 11 4

Searching the net, I finally managed to find the phone number of the scientist, I briefly explained the situation, hoping he wouldn't hang up taking me for a fool, to my surprise, he looked informed and concerned about the situation, giving us an appointment the next day at his laboratory.

"Well, boys, it seems that we can have a first answer to our questions tomorrow, we'll see what this scientist tells us, in the meantime, let's take a walk, visit your city, 57 years later, enjoy! When you return to your era, it will be difficult for you to walk without a crowd of hysterical girls running after you."

"You don't think we should do a little shopping first, just to make them look a little more 2019" asked Eline.

"vintage is fashionable, lot of people likes to dress in the thrift shops." says Luna.

"I find them cute, as they are," said Michelle, glancing at Paul with a smile.

"Thank you, you're also cute, love"

Paul replied with a smile,even though Ringo had always been my favorite, I must admit that Paul was also pretty cute with his infinite long eyelashes and his little baby face.
And here we come out of the house for a walk in the streets of Liverpool, immediately Paul said to me.

"Oh yes, this is the house that lent us the friend of our manager to organize our party, it has so much changed, it's amazing "

We started our walk to the albert dock, I showed the boys the empty place, telling them that normally there was a big statue of them 4 at this place.

"What, really, statues of us?" George asked me.

"yes there is Beatles's statues everywhere in the world"

As it was summer, it was nice enough, we all sit to eat ice cream
on a bench facing the sea, I knew they had the reputation of being pretty funny, but they were even more crazy and funny than in all the interviews or videos that I could watch. We have already spent the day hanging out in the places they had frequented, their houses, strawberry field and Penny Lane, rediscovering for them as for us, these mythical places, while telling us some little anecdotes, some that I already knew and others not, by reaching a park, Ringo took me by the waist and whispered in my ear:

"I'm gonna tell you a little secret"

I stop him by answering my turn whispering:

"let me guess, is it in this park that you lost your virginity at 16? "

"Ahaha how are you aware of this, it's supposed to be a secret, I didn't tell anyone"

"You already mentioned it in an interview, so not a secret, I also know that George lost it in Hamburg with the other guys in the same room"

"oh you know that too,it was really funny" said George laughing with Paul and John.

"Is there something you don't know about us, love?"

"I wonder where this scar is coming from on your eyebrow?"

"oh that, nothing serious, a fight when I was a teddy boy."

I try to look at him discreetly, how could this little cute bean be a terrifying bad boy!

It was already almost 8 pm and all this walk had made us hungry, we went to the cavern club which had a nice little restaurant,

"This place hasn't really changed since all time" says John.

"It's weird to go here without anyone recognizing us, and not to see the usual faces"said Paul!

After eating the boys asked us how to thank us, quite embarrassed, because in their era, they were quite gallant and it wasn't correct to let the ladies pay the bill, I jumped immediately on the proposal and the place to ask them to play us few songs, a pity that my Roomates didn't remember them and the other people in the place besides me, John tells me:

"If there's only that to make you happy girls, but we don't have our instruments"

"And if we asked the boss and the band if you can borrow their instruments to play us something"

They unanimously replied that they were agreed .. The boss and the previous group that had just finished his set didn't see the problem of listening to a "new" local band playing. The boys were on stage ready to play taking their mark with these new instruments that were not theirs, I was really in a daze, excited like a little girl waiting for Christmas, my heart was beating at 1000 an hour I was so happy, but at the same time disappointed to have no one with whom to share this historical moment, to see the 4 beatles together on stage at the Cavern club, and they started by singing:

Some Other Guy
(Richard Barrett cover)

Kansas City / Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey
(Little Richard cover)

Money (That's What I Want)
(Barrett Strong cover)

Twist and Shout
(The Top Notes cover)

Ask Me Why

Obviously as I imagined the concert hall was crazy, people were clapping and singing, Michelle said to me,

"But they're really good" with excitement.

"No they arn't just good, they're legendary, it's just the best band of all time who playing under your eyes, you don't know, but we're just going through a huge thing that'll not happen twice in a lifetime."

The boss came to see me, asking me what their names were, and I told him that he would soon find out. My Ringo had played like a God by passing half of the set to smile at me and move his head to the rhythm of his drums, I don't have enough words to describe all that I could live during this concert, they went down scenes under the ovation of the public, I took them in my arms one by one thanking them with all my heart for this moment! We stayed for a while to have a few drinks before going home.

 My Ringo had played like a God by passing half of the set to smile at me and move his head to the rhythm of his drums, I don't have enough words to describe all that I could live during this concert, they went down scenes under the ovation of the...

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