A strange new world

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Everyone was slowly starting to realize what was happening, the lads were a little confused and worried.

"Don't worry, I'll do everything I can to get you back, it sounds crazy and impossible, but there must be a solution."

My roommates were also a bit confused and shocked by this strange situation.

"Well, I think everyone needs a little explanation, let's go to the living room to discuss to all this quietly "

I invited the boys to sit on the couch, the time to get dressed, and prepare the breakfast. They looked so cute, with their frightened and at the same time amazed glances, to discover all these new gadgets that they didn't know! As I finished putting on a dress that was a bit more presentable than my mini shorts, which I used as pajamas, I heard a shout from the living room and the sound of the television.

"I pressed this thing and that kind of movie screen came on,"
George told me with a small voice.

"I told you, don't touch anything," replied John.

"You must be rich to have your own cinema at home, and with all this colours" said Ringo.

"Ahah not at all, everybody's got a television like this in 2019"

"What, is that a telly? woow it's really amazing all this progress" Said Paul.

"And why is there this stripper on your Telly? There are great TV shows in your era," said John with a satisfied smile.

"actually she's not a stripper, but a singer, and these are music videos"

Said Luna, who was laughing, looking at them, mouths wide open, eyes fixed on the screen with concentration.

"What a dance," says George, amazed

"It's called twerk, welcome in 2019 boys, where our singers look like porn stars, and where we dance half naked rubbing each other, with music that looks like nothing and lyrics who don't want to say anything!"

"I think I'm going to love this era, finally" said John with a big smile on his face.

"In any case the 80's john would have been very disappointed to see our time."

While I was serving breakfast.

"Why do you talk about the John of the 80s, and not the John of your time, what happens to me in 2019?"

I bit my lip, irritated and sad to have spoken too quickly. My heart was heavy and my eyes filled with tears, I looked in turns at John and George and I couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Again, tears," said John, laughing "seriously what's happening to us in 2019 to cry so much."

"first of all can I give both of you a big hug before answering your question?"

"Of course",

they said, looking worried about what I was going to reveal to them. I took John and George and hugged them tightly, tears ran down my cheeks, but my heart felt so peaceful to see them in front of me, alive and healthy. Maybe this adventure would change their future and avoid John's death and perhaps even George's death. I sat on the floor facing them, wiping away my tears.

"Thanks for that hug, you don't even have a clue of what you did with your music and the impact you had on the world, I realizes the dream of millions fans around the world, who also dreams of hugging you, and seeing you all four in front of them, especially for young fans like me, who haven't had the chance to know you alive, in 2019, only Paul and Ringo remains, who are both wonderful, healthy, almost 80-year-old grand dads, especially Ringo, who looks like a man not even 50 years old, and still doing wonderful concerts and great songs"

I took a deep breath, and I told

"John you were shot dead on December 8, 1980, at 40, by a so-called fan in search of notoriety, the whole world mourned your death, you left millions of inconsolable fans, George, you died of this damn lung cancer, at 58, November 29, 2001, but now that you're here and you know your future, there maybe a chance to change all that on your return.

"Damn, why did this man shoot at me, was I an asshole with my fans?"

"oh no, that's the sadest part of this story, you signed him an autograph and even took a picture with him just before he killed you, you were really a wonderful artist , close to your fans, this loser is just a big piece of shit"

"woow what a revelation, well I think I'll quickly stop the cigarette in these cases"

said george, throat knotted, restraining crying, everyone had tears in the eyes of the emotion, even my roommates who began to understand the situation little by little.

"well I don't give a fuck,"

Ringo said, lighting a new cigarette, with a smirk to make the situation a bit more humorous and make everyone laugh.

"I'm going to be a sexy grandad and the girls will continue shouting my name during my show "

"same here", said Paul with a wink, also lighting a cigarette.

"Yes, I said that you'll become sexiest grandfathers, but I forgot to tell you that you'll also be great vegetarian sportsmen, and stop drinking and smoking."
All 4 started to laugh.

"Us, vegetarians and sportsmen? Ahaha, you must surely confuse us with another band"

Ringo laughed to me.

"Laugh as much as you want, you'll see by yourself, when you'll tweet peace and love and brocolis emojis, when you'll be 80 years old."

"Tweet, emojis, what is that?"

Asked Ringo with his beautiful questioning blue eyes, and his sexy voice, damn this man is hot as hell, even more handsome than in all the pictures of him that I stare every day.
I sit next to him to show him and explain to him what is tweeter and emojis.

"oh, it's so cute, love"

He said, staring straight into my eyes with his beautiful charming smile, I look at him open-mouthed, completely under the charm and blushing.

At the same time, it was time for the news flash on television, and we saw the interview of a scientist living in London, who was working on the project of a machine to travel back in time, I hurry to write down his name on google to find information about him. This man might be able to help us, to bring back the lads at their era.

 This man might be able to help us, to bring back the lads at their era

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