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TheDancingLizard, MysteriousMagician, FabulousZoe, MonkeyMinka, and CutiePenny entered the chat room.

TheDancingLizard: yoooo Guys! Shahrukh just gave me $3!!!!🤑🤑🤑🤑

MysteriousMagician: how impressive 🙄

FabulousZoe: Why'd he give you that? 🤔

TheDancingLizard: to go beat up Russell or something like that

CutiePenny: Vinnie no!!

MonkeyMinka: yeah don't do that 😢 even though he was being a meanie pants, he doesn't deserve that! He's our friend!

MysteriousMagician: I do wonder what's gotten into him though 🤔 it's very strange behavior

OrganizedRussell entered the chat room.

OrganizedRussell: HELP

FabulousZoe: speak of the devil. Hello Russell 😒

OrganizedRussell: IT ISNT WHAT YOU THINK!

TheDancingLizard: hey rusty where are you rn

OrganizedRussell: janitor's closet!!

TheDancingLizard: k be there in a sec

TheDancingLizard left the chat room.

OrganizedRussell: NONONO!

CutiePenny: Russell, what's wrong??

MonkeyMinka: why are you in the janitor's closet?

OrganizedRussell: you've all got it wrong!!!

MysteriousMagician: what's going on??

FabulousZoe: What do we have wrong?

OrganizedRussell: Tangier did this!!!!! He changed his name to my name and went around to different group chats! Now everybody wants to kill me!

MonkeyMinka: 😮😮

MysteriousMagician: while that does sound like a big possibility, how do we KNOW you're telling the truth?

CutiePenny: Yeah, and how do we KNOW you're really Russell right now, and not Tangier?

OrganizedRussell: why would I lie right now? I'm holding the janitor closet door closed with my body right now! Tangier told everybody he was going to go find a key!

FabulousZoe: oh shoot that does sound pretty serious... but still...

OrganizedRussell: would I ever call Minka ugly?? Would I ever tell Cheep Cheep that I would say something like that to her? Would I tell Shahrukh his movies are bad? Would I dare make Buttercream angry with me? Would I tell Mitzi that peaches are terrible?

FabulousZoe: Dang Tangier's been busy

MysteriousMagician: Shahrukh's movies ARE mediocre though...

CutiePenny: Sunil...😒

FabulousZoe: okay Russell, if you're really telling the truth, are you saying you think Minka is beautiful? 🤔😏

OrganizedRussell: of COURSE she's beautiful!!!!

MonkeyMinka: 🥺 really?

OrganizedRussell: yes!! Probably the most beautiful girl I've ever had the pleasure of meeting and being friends with!

MonkeyMinka: 😮

MysteriousMagician: wow do you like her or something

OrganizedRussell left the chat room.

MysteriousMagician: LOL

CutiePenny: yep that was really Russell 😂

FabulousZoe: Guys, we better go help him! And Tangier is sooo gonna get it 😒


LPS High School AU: ChatroomsWhere stories live. Discover now