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OrganizedRussell, FabulousZoe, MonkeyMinka, MysteriousMagician, TheDancingLizard, CutiePenny, ComedianPepper, and jerryfergusonthefirst entered the chat room.

OrganizedRussell: uhhhhh

ComedianPepper: JERRY??

MysteriousMagician: 😂

FabulousZoe: oml

CutiePenny: is that really Russell's dad?

OrganizedRussell: Dad???

jerryfergusonthefirst: Rusty?

TheDancingLizard: ladies and gents, we are witnessing a father son reunion 🥺

MonkeyMinka: So sweet 😭

OrganizedRussell: when did you get this app?? HOW did you get this app without my help?? AND WHAT'S WITH YOUR USERNAME???

jerryfergusonthefirst: I figured it out, Rusty. What? You think I can't figure these techno things out? Also I thought my name was pretty good.

ComedianPepper: hahahaha he types like an old person

FabulousZoe: full punctuation and everything 😂

MysteriousMagician: Mr. Ferguson, are you going to join us in our chat rooms from now on?

OrganizedRussell: N O nononono

OrganizedRussell: no

OrganizedRussell: NO

OrganizedRussell: Nope

OrganizedRussell: no

jerryfergusonthefirst: Wow you all type very fast. I can hardly get an answer in. That's a lot of "no's" Rusty.

OrganizedRussell: you type so SLOWLY

ComedianPepper: this is the greatest day of my life

MonkeyMinka: 😂

OrganizedRussell: dad, why do you have this app

jerryfergusonthefirst: Rusty, who are all these people?

OrganizedRussell: they're my friends!!

jerryfergusonthefirst: Oh, I see now.

TheDancingLizard: I'm Vinnie!

OrganizedRussell: please tell me this isn't happening

FabulousZoe: IT IS BOIII

ComedianPepper: 😂😂

jerryfergusonthefirst: What is that?

CutiePenny: emojis! Little faces and symbols on your smartphone!

jerryfergusonthefirst: How do I do that?

OrganizedRussell: nobody better say a word

TheDancingLizard: OH I know how!

MysteriousMagician: Vinnie 😂

OrganizedRussell: VINNIE PLEASE

TheDancingLizard: there's a little thingy that looks like an orb in the bottom left and you tap on it

jerryfergusonthefirst: z

jerryfergusonthefirst: z

jerryfergusonthefirst: z

LPS High School AU: ChatroomsWhere stories live. Discover now