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Everything seemed relaxed after Seonghwa and Hongjoong went over the final plan. Everyone was sat down talking and eating when Hongjoong's watch lit up.

"What's up?" Hongjoong answered.

"Corps has killed the guy who caught him last at the gate. Stay safe bro," Hongjoong nodded before hanging up. They all knew how risky this sort of business was, but what else was there to do?

"Are you still going?" Wooyoung felt uneasy about this. Corps was pretty powerful and even if you did catch him he was right back on the streets and looking for revenge. Hongjoong nodded once more as he continued to eat in silence. Everyone's eyes shifted around the room the feeling was tense and heavy.

"We should probably get ready soon the gate is just up ahead." Seonghwa spoke breaking the silence. Without a word Hongjoong got up and made his way to the flight deck while Seonghwa went to situate himself in his ship.

"This is it." Seonghwa placed his hand over his chest. His heart was beating rapidly the adrenaline was already setting in by just the thought. This was the feeling that made him love what he was doing. It felt like he was in a constant gamble with his life. It was almost the same feeling he got around Hongjoong now.

Once Hongjoong made his way into his ship the two headed off. Hongjoong landed on a building that was relatively close to the spot Corps was supposed to stop at. Seonghwa was only a few buildings down. The plan was for Seonghwa to open fire on the building while Hongjoong went inside to capture Corps. It was risky, but Hongjoong seemed to have a death wish.

Back at the cruiser Wooyoung sat in his ship waiting for anything. Hongjoong to show up, Hongjoong to call for help or even Seonghwa. Corps would have to be moved to a high security prison, but that was far from here. How safe was it to have this man on their ship?

San wasn't any better than Wooyoung. His phone never left his hand and he was constantly checking it waiting for something. After hearing that phone call that Hongjoong had it made him feel worse. What would happen if this guy got out again and was after the two?

Yeosang wasn't as on edge as the other two he barely knew the guys, but he was stil worried as they had took him in and helped him.

Seonghwa spoke into his watch to ensure that no one but Hongjoong could hear him, "Corps sighted from the west."

Hongjoong climbed out of his ship and continued down the stairs of the abandoned building. This part was mainly made up of abandoned buildings that the homeless have taken over. Other than that it was a complete ghost town.

Once Hongjoong reached the bottom he was instantly met with a bunch of homeless guys. He pulled his mask up farther on his face as they stared at him. Hongjoong definitely looked like an outsider and on top of that he looked like he had a bit of money, or at least what he had on was worth something. The men were eyeing him hungrily they were desperate and all thought the same.

One moved slowly practically drooling at the opportunity that Hongjoong was. Before the male could even move an inch Hongjoong's gun was aimed right at him ready for a headshot. The man coward back as well as the other men as they watched Hongjoong walk out.

After 15 minutes of walking he finally reached his destination. He made his way into the empty run down store that was next to the building as he crouched he signaled for Seonghwa.

Within seconds Seonghwa was already on it. The commotion drew the people inside out giving Hongjoong a rough estimate of how many people were in there. Entering from a back window he maneuvered his way around the best he could. At first he hadn't run into anyone as most people were outside to "take care" of Seonghwa.

Hongjoong found the lower level of the building and continued down there. It appeared empty but Hongjoong knew better. He kept himself in the shadows internally thanking the heavens for being relatively small to pull this off. He pulled the special full face mask for the smoke bombs from around his neck. The smoke bomb already ready in his hand mere seconds from going off.

When it finally went off he could hear the men coughing and gagging. The mask allowed him to see everything within the smoke screen. Hongjoong moved fast through the men not bothering to attack them the bombs last quite long. The longer the men stayed and breathed in the chemicals coming from it they'd be out in no time.

Hongjoong could see Corps frantically picking up his product in hopes of blindly finding his way out. Oh how that wasn't going to happen on Hongjoong's watch. Hongjoong signaled once more for Seonghwa now that he found Corps. He could hear the shooting outside stop. The handle of Hongjoong's gun came in contact with Corps neck where his pressure point was making the man topple over. Hongjoong stuck the needle into him and pushed in the liquid making sure he was definitely asleep. Seonghwa finally popped up with the rope and began to help Hongjoong out.

Hongjoong formed a phone with his hand then a W silently asking if Seonghwa had called Wooyoung. Seonghwa answered with an okay as they moved to the roof of the bulilding that was falling apart because of Seonghwa. They watched as the men below were scattered and running around like chickens with their heads cut off. The mission was going smoothly so far, but getting Corps to the proper place and may be the real challenge.

Wooyoung finally showed up in the cruiser. The three boys sent a rope down to pull Corps up while Seonghwa and Hongjoong returned to their ships. Even with Corps knocked out Wooyoung still felt uneasy.

"If he wakes up I swear I'm throwing hands with Hongjoong." Wooyoung huffed after finally pulling Corps into the living quarters.

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