chapter 1- beginning

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Okay, Spookychan is here and ready for action!! Please enjoy the story and thank you for reading. Please, check out WolfPuppy12 for they made a amazing story that inspired me to do.
Character talking
Character's thoughts
(Y/N)-your name
                                           (Y/N)'s POV
      I woke up in my usual mood in a not so quiet village. Why must people be so god damn in the morning, like I want a peaceful sleep for once. I did my usual things, then went downstairs to go say hi to my brother. He may not be my real brother, but he was still family to me. They found me when I was baby and I was adopted into the family. Once father pasted away, our once happy family went down hill. Mother left and never came back, leaving brother Drago to take care of me. He was very hard working supporting me and becoming a general at such a young age. I know he will be the greatest general. He was in the kitchen making breakfast.

Me:Good morning, brother.

  Drago was focused on cooking that he didn't noticed me.


Drago:Mmm..oh good morning (Y/N). Food is almost ready, so go sit down on the table.

Me:I see you are troubled. What is on your mind this time, Drago?

    He knew when I use his name, I get serious of the matter, but he just played it off like it is nothing. He placed the food down and sat at the table. We ate, once I was done I put the dish away.


Drago:Stay home.


Drago:You need to stay home today (Y/N).

Me:Sorry, but I can't I promised Kai that I'll see him today.

Drago:I don't care. You can miss one day.

    That right there just trigger me. He knew after everything that Kai was special to me.

Me:What you mean, "YOU DONT CARE"??!!!

Drago:Stop arguing and obey your brother's orders. I'm the boss of you and you have to obey me.

Me:You may be older than me but that doesn't mean you can just boss me around!! You know after what happened. I promised since then I would go see him everyday. So just like you, this is also a important matter.

Drago:So, what. He is dead. Just seeing his grave everyday is not really an important matter. So you shouldn't be comparing mine with your DEAD FRIEND.


      Drago started to get angry by the second, as his growling got louder.

Drago:I'm your brother. He isn't even RELATED to this family.
Me:EITHER AM I DRAGO!! REMEMBER IM ADPOTED INTO THE FAMILY! IM NOT EVEN HAVE FAMILY BLOOD! So at least me acted like more of a family then you guys.

     Drago had enough of this and slapped me. I fall to the ground from the impacted of the hit. I touched my cheek where he hit me. I was afraid of what he did. He never hurt me, let alone touched me. I look at him cry afraid of what he is going to do next.

Drago:Don't ever say that...

       I got up as fast as possible and ran crying to the place where Kai was buried. Kai was buried where our favorite place is at in the forest. It may be outside of the village but I don't care. As long he is any from that terrible place, then I'm fine with it.

Me:Hey, Kai. Sorry I'm late me and brother got into an argument. Things are starting to get worse. After mother left and Drago became general. He started to act cold towards me. He even hit me, which he never done. I'm started to feel like he doesn't see me as a sister anymore. He thinks he is the boss of everything and everyone. The power of being a general must be going to his head. My life is falling apart, Kai. I just wish you are here to comfort me. I miss you little brother. I will sing you a song as one of my promises.

Good bye brother. See you soon.

As I cry one last tear before cleaning myself. I went back to the river to across over when I see a male with blonde hair. His clothing looks like from the demon clan. Most cause of the huge sword he is hurrying. Wait, is this the demon Drago warned me about.
      Drago come in to my room.

Drago:I'm gonna go to work. Be careful a demon is going around our territory, so beware.

Me:Okay, I will brother.
*Flashback over*

     I hopped over the river that separates the forest with the kingdom village.

Me:Hey, who over you are?! You need to go back to your territory before my brother's army find you.

???:Oh, really. Then who are you, dragon?

Me:Why would I tell you my name, when I don't know who you are? It's plain weird and creepy.

???:You don't know who I am?

Me:No. Why would I?

???:You, stupid dragon. I am Meliodas the Destroyer, also known as the demon prince, first son of the demon king himself.

Me:First that hurted. Second I'm not dumb but average and third.. your picture looks so much different than-


Me:NOTHING!!!😅 Anyway, why are you here when you have a kingdom to rule with your father and brothers.

Meliodas:Nothing, I just got bored of the same old paperwork and the people itself.

Me:Oh that's weird since I thought you are the prince. I thought you'll have some things to entertain you.

Meliodas:I lost interest in the things now but since you asked you can now be my entertainment.


Meliodas:You are my entertainment now, pleasant. So you better do a good job or I'll kill you.

Me:Man, don't need to be mean about it.
    I laughed at how this boy's attitude. I look and noticed the sun is going down.

Me:I have to go before my brother gets worry. BYE!!

Meliodas:Wait, before you go tell me your name you dumb dragon.

Me:Oh, I forgot. My name is (Y/N) Yamamoto.

Meliodas: Well then (Y/N) stop hiding your real emotions behind that smile of yours. I have to go, so bye.

       Right there. He left, leaving me shocked of him knowing that I was hiding my true emotions. I shook it off and just went home before Drago does.

                                          MELIODAS POV
      After getting to the castle, I was greeted by the maids as usual. Soon my little brother came.

Zeldris: Brother, we are need for a important meeting.

Me:Well tell them I won't be attending the meeting.

       I went up to my room to go to sleep. As I was laying down, I couldn't get my mind off of (Y/N).

Me:(Y/N) is interesting. Hehe I can't wait to see what is going to happen nexts.

       I closed my eyes going into the black void called sleep.

Yay I did it! ●W● Hope you enjoy it and see the other stories I made too. Spookychan signing out!!!!!!

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