Chapter 1

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This is my first story, which is an idea I had for a while now. I recommend listening to the song 'Queen of Mean' by Sarah Jeffery from Descendants 3 (which I do not own) as that is one of the songs that I best associate my writing with. I'd love to write more stories, and I'd love to hear ideas. Constructive criticism is very much appreciated!

^Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Miraculous Ladybug characters or anything associated with the show^

Hope you enjoy!!

*Marinette POV*

'Why did life have to be so hard?' I thought to myself as I trudged through the hallway of my school, trying to get to my first class on time. I had spent all week thinking of ways to ask Adrien to the annual school dance next week, and I had fallen short. At least I had Alya to help me, but even she wasn't able to do much to help me with my situation. Thankfully, Alya and her boyfriend Nino were always trying to help me anyway, no matter how much of a stuttering klutz I was.

I pushed open the door and I immediately heard my teacher say "Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" Role call. I rushed to my seat and managed to choke out a weak "here" before relaxing back in my seat. Miraculously, my teacher didn't notice or didn't feel the need to say anything about my late arrival, probably because she was so used to it by now.

"Why were you late again, girl?" I heard my best friend Alya hiss at me under her breath.

"Oh, you know, the usual! Just overslept... from, uh, thinking of ways to ask Adrien to the dance last night!" I responded, trying to sound nonchalant. Not true. I was out on patrol with Chat Noir late again, and by the time I had finished my homework and collapsed into bed, I was already late for school.

Alya chuckled lightly. "Come on, Marinette! Just tell him how you feel." Easy for her to say. She already had a boyfriend and a date to the dance, and that was Nino. Conveniently, Nino was Adrien's best friend, so he always put in a good word for me. Unfortunately, Alya and Nino had resorted back to advising me to just telling Adrien my feelings, which never had worked in the past. I just blabbed on and on and always lost my nerve.

"Yeah, yeah, okay." I said, grinning. I always planned to, it just wasn't as easy as a 'hey Adrien, I want to tell you that I've secretly been in love with you for a while and have been creepily obsessed with you!' Those types of things are best kept to oneself. But it was time for him to know about my crush.

The lesson surprisingly went by quickly, and the whole day after that just breezed by. At the end of my day, I was packed up and ready to go home, but on my way out the door, my teacher, Ms. Bustier, called out, "Marinette? May I have a word?" So I had to go and stand by her while my classmates walked out. Last to leave was Lila Rossi, a girl I detested. She gave me a smug smile before sashaying out the door.

"What did you want to talk to me about, Miss?" I said once all the other students had left the room.

"Not much, other than your late coming into class." She said with a small sigh. "Marinette, I don't know what to think. Here I have a smart and creative young lady, but you're slipping in my class with a low C. You had an A at the beginning of the year." Not easy to maintain my grades when I'm busy with, oh nothing much, just saving the city of Paris from destruction. "And you're never on time, dear." Ms. Bustier continued. "Please, just tell me what's going on and we can work through it together."

My eyes brimmed with tears. Since I'd gotten the ladybug miraculous seven months ago, I'd never been able to tell anyone. These types of offers were so tempting, to just get everything off my chest. But no. I couldn't do that. Although Ms. Bustier's offer touched my heart, I couldn't make her bear this burden. "Miss, I'm fine, just... feeling a little sick." I said quietly, but not softly. "I will try to get my grades up, and arrive on time." I hoped that she would just leave me be then, and thankfully she did. Thank the heavens above for nice teachers.

"Okay, Marinette, if that's what you think we should do." She said, her whole face softening. "You may go now, and I hope you have a wonderful afternoon." Very unlikely with my gig as a superhero, but I appreciated the sentiment. I thanked her, and walked through the door.

I was surprised at how deserted the courtyard was, save for two people; Lila and Adrien. Ugh, I couldn't imagine what lies Lila was spreading now. But Adrien was one of the few people who knew that what Lila said was rarely true. I snuck by, pressing my body to the wall, trying to hear some of their conversation. "—because you're so smart, and I'd love to hang out more." I heard Lila's treacherous voice say in her fake sweetness she used on Adrien.

"Yeah, I guess, but Father rarely lets me have guests." Adrien. What a dreamboat. A fashion model with a father as a fashion designer? Amazing, as I want to be a fashion designer myself someday. Not to mention how sweet Adrien is. His father... not nearly as sweet. But hey, I can work with that. "Anyway, there is something I did want to talk to you about."

That caught me off guard. What did he want to talk to Lila Rossi about? Apparently Lila had the same thoughts. "Really? What?" She said eagerly.

"Well, I was wondering..." I heard Adrien say. He was clearly holding back, but why? "So, you know how the spring dance is coming up?"

Why on God's green earth would he bring up the dance? And to Lila of all people? "Yes, Adrien, what about the dance?" Lila said in that fake singsong voice.

"Did you, um, want to go with me?" My jaw dropped. What was I hearing?

"You mean, like, as your date?" came Lila's sweet reply.

"Uh, yeah, I guess." Adrien responded.

"Of course! I'd love to!" Lila said, her voice brimming with joy. And suddenly, I felt my whole world collapsing. I felt my heart pounding in my chest and suddenly I couldn't breathe. The weight of the world came crashing down on me as I stood up as silently as I could, grabbed my things, and with tears running down my face I ran for the comfort of home.

Alright, so that was the first chapter! I hoped you liked it, because it was fun to write. I will try to update every weekend, but depending on my schedule I might miss a weekend here or there, which I will try to warn you in advance about. I might also post extra in the week depending on how much time I have. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!!

See you next week my lovely potatoes 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔

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