Chapter 6

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Okay, first of all, sorry for not updating in I don't know... FOREVER? But thank you for all your support; to be honest, without all the comments encouraging me to continue this story I probably wouldn't have, so thank you! ANYWAY, in this chapter, Chat Noir needs help, and with guidance from Master Fu, he chooses Queen Bee (Chloé) and Viperion (Luka). As always, I hope you enjoy!

Chat Noir POV

I was bounding around rooftops when I realized something terrible. I stopped shortly once I noticed it. I didn't know what I should call myself. What was my name? Who was I? Certainly there was no name to contain both my excellence and Ladybug's.

Perhaps I should be LadyNoir. No, that's what m'lady called herself with my miraculous.

Maybe LadyChat... yeah, I'm not gonna call myself a lady. That's just weird; Ladybug's my lady.

NoirBug... okay, that just sounds unnatural. Also, black bug? Maybe.

So that leaves... ChatBug. Well, okay then. Maybe I just should be anonymous.

As I pondered this predicament, I noticed an elderly man watching me. I snapped out of my daze and realized he was the same man whom I had helped up on my first day of school.

"Uh, hi," I said, giving an awkward wave.

He blinked a couple times, then approached me. "Chat Noir, I believe that you are in desperate need of help."

I managed a smile. "Well, I wouldn't say desperate, but—" I paused, noticing he was giving me the most deadpan look I'd ever seen. I cleared my throat. "Right, uh, yeah. Help. Definitely need that."

He smiled. "Normally I would allow Ladybug the honor of choosing your allies, but as you can tell, she cannot be here right now. So, the duty falls to you."

He cleared his throat, then presented two miraculous, which I identified as the bee and snake. "Good luck, Chat Noir." He turned, and with one last look, walked away.

I stared down at the objects in my hand. The bee and the snake. So, Chloé and Luka. Chloé, one of the biggest instigators of akuma attacks and possibly the second most annoying girl I know, second to only Lila.

And Luka, who is always flirting with Marinette, which for some reason always makes me feel pangs of jealousy. I don't exactly know why, because we're just friends. And friends want to be happy for one another.

Regardless, I needed them to take down Justice Queen. With Luka's quick and intelligent thinking and Chloé's passion, and of course my natural awesomeness, we stood a chance against Justice Queen, who was by far one of the hardest villains I've ever faced.

I arrived to the Le Grand Paris Hotel sooner than I wanted to. "Hey! Chat Noir!" a shrilly voice screeched at me. Great. Chloé. "You clearly need my help. So where is my miraculous?"

I was half tempted to lie and claim I didn't have it, but in all honesty I needed her.

I sighed. "Right here, Chloé," I said in a tired voice. She squealed, and I tossed it down to her.

"Greetings, my queen!" Chloé's kwami said.

Chloé grinned. "Pollen, buzz on!" she yelled as she transformed.

We continued on, searching for Luka, with Chloé complaining all the while. Finally we spotted Luka's blue hair and approached him.

"Chat Noir! Queen Bee! I suppose you're here to give me a miraculous?"

I nodded and tossed the bracelet to him. He put it on and greeted his kwami.

"Sass, scales slither!" He called out, transforming into Viperion.

Once I had my allies, it was time for us to fight Justice Queen. It was really quite simple for us to track her down; just follow the pulses of pink lights from her scepter, which inevitably incinerated everyone in her path.

"I heard that Justice Queen is Marinette. I hope she's okay. I really... care about her a lot." Luka sighed. I was half tempted to console him and half tempted to punch him out of jealousy.

Wait, jealously? Of what? Marinette? Sure, she was my 'purrincess', but did I actually care about her in that way?

"Yeah, whatever. Whatever Loser Dupain-Cheng got, she totally deserved," Chloé remarked, rolling her eyes.

I was VERY tempted to punch her, but we had a job to do. Personal feelings aside, Paris needed saving. "Alright, enough chitchat. Let's go."

My allies quickly joined me. We soon approached Justice Queen, and the only thing I could notice was the pure anger seeming to radiate off of her.

She immediately noticed us. "Well, Chat Noir. I see you picked up a new toy," she said with a smirk.

I played up displaying the earrings. "You like?"

She responded by flinging a ray of pure pink light at me.

"I'll take that as a no," I joked. "Luka, do your thing."

"Second chance!" Luka called out.

Yay, now we have a backup plan. With that in place, we charged towards Justice Queen.

Hawkmoth POV

I couldn't believe it. Here was Chat Noir, with ultimate power, the ability to have anything he desired, and he didn't even notice. Idiot. Almost as clueless as my son.

Regardless, I only had one person to take down to get both miraculous, though hopefully that stupid snake wouldn't get in the way.

"Justice Queen, get Viperion first. Then go for Chat Noir."

"Not a problem, Hawkmoth," she said. I could almost hear her confident smirk. "The miraculous will soon be yours."

Wow, that felt really good to write again. Not as long of a chapter as I would've liked, but I wanted to give you guys a taste of something. Anyway, I hoped you guys liked it, and I'll see you all soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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