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I sit up straight, almost jumping off my bed, i had a nightmare, great, the nightmare was from 2 years ago, when Colby had his depression taking him over, but this dream was different, it wasn't normal, it was scarier. 

beginning of the Dream:

"i have some news about Colby Brock..." i know whatever she is going to say is going to be bad,

"what is it?" i say, trying so hard not to cry

"he has a miminal chance of survivng"

"FUCK ME" I scream and Elton and Corey tackle me down before i can even start running to his room, they drag me to Elton's car and they bring me home, once they drop me off i storm upstairs to my room and lock the door, thank god i still have my lock, i sit down but i feel something in my pocket, i take it out, its the box of box cutters, how bad does it hurt to do it? that was a horrible decision i made, i take out one blade and i slowly slice my skin, it hurts as hell, even though it was a small cut, it still hurt a lot, after a lot of crying, i blacked out. I wake up in my room after  I blacked out but something was off, i stand  up and walk out of my room, and that was the thing that was off, when i opened my door I saw myself, Screaming

"COLBY NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"  He runs to the bathroom door and bangs on it, he can't see me but i can see him, then once again, Sam screams again

"GUYS HELP" The whole traphouse was up the stairs, they didn't see me either, Elton begins talking

"Since Aaron was able to break down the door during one of Colby's prank, we'll leave it to him" Elton said, once again, something was off, Aaron runs into the door, 5 times, nothing, that when i knew this wasn't a flashback, it was a dream, or a nightmare

"LET ME OUT OF THIS NIGHTMARE, STOP IT" I screamed, nothing, i was forced to watch this happen in tragedy, Aaron wasn't able to break down the door, while i was still watching Aaron attempt to break it down, i realized this is a nightmare and i can go through stuff, i walk through the bathroom door while Aaron is still attempting to break it down, and there i was standing in front of Colby, once again, wrist slit, but this time he was paler than ever, then, once again, i heard myself scream,

"CMON AARON, BREAK IT, PLEASE WE NEED TO SAVE HIM" I knew that myself saying that was no use, I look around, i look in the mirror and that was off too, i look down, my wrist were slit also, i was paler than ever, and more importantly there was a noose mark around my neck, then i thought to myself, this is the way i'll die; After minutes and many attempts, they break through but i knew they were too late, Colby was gone, then i noticed something, they were all looking at me, it wasn't a nice look, even Colby, then, Sam began talking

"Its your fault he's dead, you could've help us but noooo you just had to stand there"

"I-i didn't know-" Sam cut me off

"You knew what had to happen, we could see you the whole time but we didn't acknowledge you" I was so confused and scared at what was happening

"You saw yourself in the mirror right Samuel?"


"Us voices took over your dream, you saw the slit wrists, you saw how pale you were, you also saw the noose mark, right?"


"Now you know were telling you what you'll look like when you decide to hang yourself okay?"


"Samuel, we're helping you, we're helping you achieve your dream of killing yourself, i hope what you just saw happening will help you, do you understand me?"


"Just know we're helping you Samuel and whenever you tell us to shut up and you try to shut us out, that kills us, Samuel, you realize you getting fatter because you told them to shut up when we were telling the truth, you shut them out, so now they can't tell you that, the only way to get them back is to get more dieting pills and take 2, just like you're original routine, now please stop shutting them out, okay?"


"Oh, and one more thing, you  still have Colby's box of box cutters in your room, they're in you sock drawer, I can't believe in the past 2 years you haven't found them, now in 2 minutes you will wake up and  immediately sit up straight and almost fall off the bed so be prepared for that, in about 10 seconds you'll be waking up, now 7...6...5...4...3...2... anddd 1, bye Samuel!" and at that moment i woke up 

end of The Dream:

I look around my room, everything was back to normal, i check the time, 7:36 am, to make sure im fully out of that dream I open my door, and everything was normal, i close it and sit back on my bed, then i remember what the voice said:

"Oh, and one more thing, you still have Colby's box of box cutters in your room, they're in you sock drawer, I can't believe in the past 2 years you haven't found them, 

I go to my sock drawer and I look through it; Sure enough, they were there at the bottom of the drawer, I open it and I test the sharpness, they were sharp, I close them and put them back, I go back to my bed and sit on it, I think about what to do but I first thank my voices:

"Hey voices, can you hear me?"

"Of course we can Samuel!"

"I just want to thank you for help me and scaring the shit out of me in my dream"

"You are so welcome, and don't forget about the other voices and the dieting pills, okay?"

"I won't, i'll actually go get them right now!"

"Okay Samuel, please be safe, we don't want other people killing you, we want you to kill yourself, okay?"

"Okay, uhmm what should i call you?"

"Please, call me Samantha"

"Okay Samantha, I'll talk to you later"

"Bye Samuel!"

"Bye Samantha!" I left to go to the supermarket.

*Time Skips*

I get back home and I see everyone on the couch, being happy, I got mad at myself and stomped upstairs, they all trailed after me, i slammed and locked my door on them

"Sam are you okay?" Colby asks

"I just need alone time" I replied

"Okay, we'll be here if you need to talk" 

"Okay" after that talk with Colby, it was silence, I opened my bag and took out the dieting pills, i pop 2 into my mouth and water them down, after that i closed my eyes for a nap, the last thing i heard was Samantha

"Good job Samuel, have a good nap!"

I cant breathe// Sam Golbach  (ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHUR NOTICE)Where stories live. Discover now