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Me and Blue get to her apartment in no time, we hop out of her car and go inside her apartment, her room is on the third floor, we take the stairs, knowing that depression drains us mentally and we need exercise, we actually have fun going up the stairs, we get to her door and she unlocks it, we walk in and my mouth drops

"Holy shit Blue, nice apartment!"

"Thanks..." i notice her blush, did i embarass her? did i accidentally flirt with her? all these thoughts enter my head, then i feel a force shaking me, brining me back to reality.



"you zoned out"

"Im sorry"

"Dont let your ass be sorry! dont let Anxiety take over!" we both giggled at her words, god we're being so childish. me and Blue take a seat onto her couch, its sooo soft, i look over at blue, her brown hair is so shiny and beautiful, i quickly look away, how can i date someone like her? she wont like me! im an ugly apricot, i think i zoned out again because once again, Blue was screaming my name.




"HI!" we both burst out laughing, i havent had this much fun and trust in a girl since katrina not going to lie,



"Wanna watch a movie?"

"YeAh, but what movie?"

"How about in the tall grass?"

"Never heard of it, but sure" Blue squeals with glee as she heads on over to Netflix to put on in the tall grass. We are half way through the movie when Blue squishes up close to me, i think she may like me but idk, after about 20 mord minutes, i hear cute little snores coming from my side, so i decided to turn off the movie and bring her to her bed, i lay her under the covers and tuck her in afterwards, i then hop over to the other side and tuck myself in, i lay there for about an hour and a half until i actually fall alseep.

I wake up to the smell of lavendar, this doesnt smell like my room, i then remember im at blues house, i sit up straight to notice that blue is not besides me, she mustve went to her couch, i get out of her bed and leave her bedroom, thats when i see her on the couch, IN MY HOODIE! I remember i took it off about 5 minutes before actually falling asleep,
I decided to confront her on it

"BLUE IS THAT MY SWEATER!!!" I half shouted- half giggled, i obviously startled her because she look at me, her eyes widen, but with a smirk on her face.

"Why yes it is, why? would you like it back?"

"Nah, you can keep it"


"Ye, i was going to take you to the mall today and get a new one while im there too"

"Are you really taking me to the mall?"

"Yea, dont believe me?"

"I've never been this spoiled by a boy before!" she runs to me and puts me in a hug, i hug back, we then walk to my car and hop in, i drive her to the mall and we first stop at spencers, she chose a new lip ring and i got a new "Heaven didnt want me, nor did hell, so im your problem ;)" hoodie, at one point, Blue persuaded me to get a lip ring, and i eventaully did, now we have matching ones

"I've never been this spoiled by a boy before!" she runs to me and puts me in a hug, i hug back, we then walk to my car and hop in, i drive her to the mall and we first stop at spencers, she chose a new lip ring and i got a new "Heaven didnt want ...

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After that me and her went to the lunch court and bought waters, im guessing shes anorexic, i then took her to the salon and told her to choose a colour for highlights



"Will you get some too?"

"I guess so" she gave me the biggest smile shes done today

"I want blue highlights"

"As you wish ma'am" i say to her and we both giggle, we walk in and get blue highlights in our hair and not going to lie, we look fuckin hot

"As you wish ma'am" i say to her and we both giggle, we walk in and get blue highlights in our hair and not going to lie, we look fuckin hot

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after our day in the mall, i drop her off at het place,

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after our day in the mall, i drop her off at het place,

"Thanks for the wonderul day Dark!"

"Youre welcome Blue!"

"Ill see you later?"

"Definetly" we then wave and she walks in her apartment, i drive home and wonder what theyll think of me, i wonder what Elton,Colby,Aaron,Jake, and Corey will think, but thats not up to me what they think, i hop out of my car and i stand outside the door for a second, i breathe in, and then out, i then walk inside the trap house...

I cant breathe// Sam Golbach  (ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHUR NOTICE)Where stories live. Discover now